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Webdav upload utility (See related posts)

Command line utility to upload files to a webdav server.

Requires net_digest_auth.rb (snippet)

NB: Does not handle MKCOL, so the directory where you place the file must already exist.


$ ruby upload.rb cert.yml source destination

where cert.yml is a file of the form

username: USERNAME
password: PASSWORD

source is the path to the file to upload

destination is the URL of a directory on a webdav server to upload to.

# upload.rb
# Command line webdav upload script. Based off of 

require 'net_digest_auth'
require 'yaml'
require 'uri'

abort("Usage: #{$0}    ") unless ARGV.size==3

auth = YAML.load_file(ARGV[0])
username = auth['username']
password = auth['password']

src = ARGV[1]
dst = ARGV[2]

if File.exists?(src)
  url = URI.parse(dst)
  Net::HTTP.start( do |http|
    res = http.put(url.request_uri, 'hello') # try putting something so
                                             # the server will return a
                                             # www-authenticate header
    req ="#{url.path}#{File.basename(src)}")
    req.digest_auth(username, password, res)
    response = http.request(req,
    puts response.code + " " + response.message
  puts "No such file #{src.inspect}"

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