By using screen, you can start a lengthy compile and then detach, go about your business and re-attach another time. I use it primarily when I have to start a compilation from one computer, then later from another machine located somewhere else. Combined with SSH, this can be real handy.
desktop ~ # screen -S clfs desktop ~ # chroot "${CLFS}" /tools/bin/env -i \ > HOME=/root TERM="${TERM}" PS1='\u:\w\$ ' \ > PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/tools/bin \ > /tools/bin/bash --login +h root:/#
At any time, you can hit ctrl+a+d to detach. Then if you want to re-attach just type screen -r clfs and whamo, your right back where you left off.
Thanks again to ChrisS67 for helping me with my GCC problem (or me forgetting to install findutils) ;)
will create a new screen session name "clfs" if it doesn't already exist, or reattach to it if it already exists (and without detaching another client that may already be attached).