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Encrypt a File *Blowfish* (See related posts)

// A simple ruby script to encrypt a file

#   A simple ruby script to encrypt a file
#     can be edited to encrypt directories also
#    Written by:  Steve at
#    Using the blowfish algorithm
#        several algorithms exist, just substitute for 'blowfish'
require 'crypt/blowfish'

#take in the file name to encrypt as an argument
  filename = ARGV.shift
  puts filename
  c = "Encrypted_#{filename}"
#User specifies a key from 1-56 bytes (Don't forget this or your stuff is history)
  print 'Enter your encryption key (1-56 bytes): '
  kee = gets
#initialize the encryption method using the user input key
  blowfish =
  blowfish.encrypt_file(filename.to_str, c)
#encrypt the file
  puts 'Encryption SUCCESS!'
#if the script busts for any reason this will catch it
  puts "\n\n\nSorry the encryption was unsuccessful"
  puts "USAGE: ruby encryption.rb <span class="escape">\n\n\n</span></span><span class="punct">"</span>
  <span class="keyword">raise</span>
<span class="keyword">end</span>
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          to <a href="/tag/ruby" class="tag">ruby</a> by <a href="/user/studlee2">studlee2</a> on Sat Jul 08 03:12:12 +0000 2006
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