This script will allow a TextDrive account holder to easily see their disk usage and monthly HTTP bandwidth consumption, until TextPanel provides the information.
The first time you use rsrcmeter, it may take additional time, as it will be scanning every Apache/HTTP log file for usage information and caching it by month.
(Updated version from
Quick install instructions and most up-to-date version is at
Download latest version at
(Does not appear to work on Shared Accelerators, for disk quota, since the quota tools doesn't return any output currently and doesn't support the group option.)
Sample output:
Disk usage: 23.7227 MiB (Quota: 10.0000 GiB | 0.2% used)
Nov 2006: 0.5494 MiB (Month to Date)
Oct 2006: 0.5087 MiB
Sep 2006: 0.5523 MiB
Aug 2006: 1.1567 MiB
#!/usr/local/bin/ruby # Unofficial TxD Disk & HTTP Bandwidth Usage Meter (rsrcmeter) # Version 2.0.2 # Written by AJ Zmudosky # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF # ANY KIND. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DAMAGES HOWEVER CAUSED, AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING IN ANY # WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY # OF SUCH DAMAGE. require 'date' require 'optparse' # E-mail regexp module RFC2822 EmailAddress = begin alpha = "a-zA-Z" digit = "0-9" atext = "[#{alpha}#{digit}\!\#\$\%\&\'\*+\/\=\?\^\_\`\{\|\}\~\-]" dot_atom_text = "#{atext}+([.]#{atext}*)*" dot_atom = "#{dot_atom_text}" qtext = '[^\\x0d\\x22\\x5c\\x80-\\xff]' text = "[\\x01-\\x09\\x11\\x12\\x14-\\x7f]" quoted_pair = "(\\x5c#{text})" qcontent = "(?:#{qtext}|#{quoted_pair})" quoted_string = "[\"]#{qcontent}+[\"]" atom = "#{atext}+" word = "(?:#{atom}|#{quoted_string})" obs_local_part = "#{word}([.]#{word})*" local_part = "(?:#{dot_atom}|#{quoted_string}|#{obs_local_part})" no_ws_ctl = "\\x01-\\x08\\x11\\x12\\x14-\\x1f\\x7f" dtext = "[#{no_ws_ctl}\\x21-\\x5a\\x5e-\\x7e]" dcontent = "(?:#{dtext}|#{quoted_pair})" domain_literal = "\\[#{dcontent}+\\]" obs_domain = "#{atom}([.]#{atom})*" domain = "(?:#{dot_atom}|#{domain_literal}|#{obs_domain})" addr_spec = "#{local_part}\@#{domain}" pattern = /^#{addr_spec}$/ end end # Default options opt = { :base_dir => ENV['HOME'], :stat_file => 'histstat', :temp_file => 'temp-rsrcmeter-bwcalc', :bw_months => 5 } # Our option flag parsing do |opts| opts.banner = "Unofficial TxD Disk & HTTP Bandwidth Usage Meter\nUsage: rsrcmeter [options]" opts.on("-b", "--base BASE", "Change the base directory, defaults to user's $HOME", String) {|base| if File.exists?(base) opt[:base_dir] = base else raise(ArgumentError, "Directory (#{base}) specified with -b does not exist") end } opts.on("--stat-file FILE", "Change default historical data file from '#{opt[:stat_file]}'", String) {|file| opt[:stat_file] = file } opts.on("--temp-file FILE", "Change default temporary file from '#{opt[:temp_file]}'", String) {|file| opt[:temp_file] = file } opts.on("-m NUM", "Number of months' bandwidth to show prior to current month (default: #{opt[:bw_months]})", Integer) {|mons| opt[:bw_months] = mons if mons > 0 } opts.on("-e", "--email ADDRESS", "E-mail results to ADDRESS *instead* of outputting to the screen", String) {|addr| if RFC2822::EmailAddress =~ addr opt[:email_to] = addr else raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid e-mail address provided to -e") end } opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end.parse! Dir.chdir(opt[:base_dir]) File.delete(opt[:temp_file]) if File.exists?(opt[:temp_file]) # Look for existing monthly statistics file if File.exists?(opt[:stat_file]) # Load and process existing stats @stats = lines = File.readlines(opt[:stat_file]) lines.each {|l| (@stats << [l.chomp.split(',')[0], l.chomp.split(',')[1].to_f]) unless (l.strip)[0,1] == '#'} @stats.sort! # Determine if any months need to be added if == 1 pm_year = - 1 pm_month = 12 else pm_year = pm_month = - 1 end stop_month = pm_year.to_s + (pm_month < 10 ? '0' : '') + pm_month.to_s proc_year = @stats.last[0][0,4].to_i proc_month = @stats.last[0][4,2].to_i proc_year += 1 if proc_month == 12 proc_month = (proc_month == 12) ? 1 : proc_month + 1 proc_str = proc_year.to_s + (proc_month < 10 ? '0' : '') + proc_month.to_s # Add any months not already calculated while proc_str <= stop_month datestr = proc_str + "??" File.delete(opt[:temp_file]) if File.exists?(opt[:temp_file]) `cat logs/access_log.#{datestr} 2>/dev/null > #{opt[:temp_file]}` `cat domains/*/logs/access_log.#{datestr} 2>/dev/null >> #{opt[:temp_file]}` `zcat logs/access_log.#{datestr}.gz 2>/dev/null >> #{opt[:temp_file]}` `zcat domains/*/logs/access_log.#{datestr}.gz 2>/dev/null >> #{opt[:temp_file]}` month_usage = `cat #{opt[:temp_file]} | awk '{sum += $10} END {print sum}'`.chomp.to_i @stats << [proc_str, month_usage] # advance counting proc_year += 1 if proc_month == 12 proc_month = (proc_month == 12) ? 1 : proc_month + 1 proc_str = proc_year.to_s + (proc_month < 10 ? '0' : '') + proc_month.to_s end # Statistics files doesn't exist else # Look for earliest log file file_list = Dir.foreach(opt[:base_dir] + "/logs") {|i| file_list << i if /^access_log.\d{8}/ =~ i} if File.exists?(opt[:base_dir] + "/domains") domains = Dir.foreach(opt[:base_dir] + "/domains") {|dom| domains << dom if /^\w+\.\w+/ =~ dom} domains.each {|dom| Dir.foreach(opt[:base_dir] + "/domains/" + dom + "/logs") {|i| file_list << i if /^access_log.\d{8}/ =~ i}} end file_list.sort! unless + == file_list.first[11,6] # Process from earliest_log year/month forward earliest_log_year = file_list.first[11,4] earliest_log_month = file_list.first[15,2] @stats = earliest_log_year.to_i.upto( do |year| start_month = (earliest_log_year.to_i == year) ? earliest_log_month.to_i : 1; start_month.upto(12) do |month| unless (year == and month >= month = "0" + month.to_s if month < 10 datestr = year.to_s + month.to_s + '??' File.delete(opt[:temp_file]) if File.exists?(opt[:temp_file]) `cat logs/access_log.#{datestr} 2>/dev/null > #{opt[:temp_file]}` `cat domains/*/logs/access_log.#{datestr} 2>/dev/null >> #{opt[:temp_file]}` `zcat logs/access_log.#{datestr}.gz 2>/dev/null >> #{opt[:temp_file]}` `zcat domains/*/logs/access_log.#{datestr}.gz 2>/dev/null >> #{opt[:temp_file]}` month_usage = `cat #{opt[:temp_file]} | awk '{sum += $10} END {print sum}'`.chomp.to_i @stats << [year.to_s + month.to_s, month_usage] end end end end end # Write @stats back to opt[:stat_file] to record any changes[:stat_file], 'w') {|f| f.puts "# rsrcmeter historical statistics file" f.puts "# Contains only completed months" @stats.each {|i| f.puts i[0] + ',' + i[1].to_s} } # Calculate bandwidth consumption for current month datestr = + + "??" `cat logs/access_log 2>/dev/null > #{opt[:temp_file]}` `cat domains/*/logs/access_log 2>/dev/null >> #{opt[:temp_file]}` `cat logs/access_log.#{datestr} 2>/dev/null >> #{opt[:temp_file]}` `cat domains/*/logs/access_log.#{datestr} 2>/dev/null >> #{opt[:temp_file]}` `zcat logs/access_log.#{datestr}.gz 2>/dev/null >> #{opt[:temp_file]}` `zcat domains/*/logs/access_log.#{datestr}.gz 2>/dev/null >> #{opt[:temp_file]}` usage = `cat #{opt[:temp_file]} | awk '{sum += $10} END {print sum}'`.chomp.to_f / 1024 / 1024 File.delete(opt[:temp_file]) if File.exists?(opt[:temp_file]) # Determine disk usage quotaline = `quota -g | tail -n 1` disk_usage = `echo -n "#{quotaline}" | awk '{print $2}'`.to_f disk_quota = `echo -n "#{quotaline}" | awk '{print $3}'`.to_f disk_percent_used = (disk_usage / disk_quota) * 100 # Output results results = "" results << "Disk usage: " + sprintf("%.4f", disk_usage / 1024) + " MiB (Quota: " + sprintf("%.4f", disk_quota / 1024 / 1024) +" GiB | " + sprintf("%.1f", disk_percent_used) + "% used)\n" results << "Bandwidth:\n" + Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES[] + " " + + ": " + sprintf("%.4f", usage) + " MiB (Month to Date)\n" hist_usage = @stats.last(opt[:bw_months]).reverse hist_usage.each {|h| results << Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES[Date.parse(h[0] + "01").month] + ' ' + h[0][0,4] + ": " + sprintf("%.4f", (h[1].to_f / 1024 / 1024)) + " MiB\n"} # We're either e-mailing or outputting if opt[:email_to] t ="%a %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") message = <<EOM From: TxD Resource Meter <#{ENV['USER']}-noreply@#{`/bin/hostname`.chomp}> To: #{opt[:email_to]} Subject: [TxD Resource Meter] #{t} report for #{ENV['USER']} X-Mailer: rsrcmeter | Resource Report - #{t} #{results} --------------- Generated by rsrcmeter EOM"temp-emailresult", "w") { |file| file.print message } `cat temp-emailresult | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t` File.delete("temp-emailresult") else puts results end