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INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE... (See related posts)

Please note: "INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE..." can also use a compound (unique) key to check for duplication. This is very userful. For example:
If you have a log table to log hits to different websites daily, with "site_id"-s and "time" fields, where neither of them are primary keys, but togethether they are unique, then you can create a key on them, and then use "...ON DUPLICATE KEY..."

Table logs:
id: INT(11) auto_increment primary key
site_id: INT(11)
time: DATE
hits: INT(11)

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX comp ON logs (`site_id`, `time`);

And then you can:
INSERT INTO logs (`site_id`, `time`,`hits`) VALUES (1,"2004-08-09", 15) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE hits=hits+15;

Excellent feature, and it is much faster and briefer then using first a select, then issuing either an update or an insert depending on the value of the select. You also get rid of the probably necessary table-lock during this action.


Comments on this post

jamiew posts on Apr 11, 2007 at 14:31
This is an excellent tip, thanks. Do you know what versions of mysql this was introduced, or has it always been there?
LMZ posts on Apr 14, 2007 at 20:14
see link at the bottom of topic: "" you see 5.0 in link? any more questions :)
jamiew posts on Apr 14, 2007 at 21:40
It is also documented at:

So it is available down to MySQL 3.23

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