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Improved user_box for Scoop (See related posts)

If you've ever built a site with Scoop, you know that all that messy hard-coded table-based HTML can be a pain. In the course of building several Scoop sites I've been reworking some of the common boxes to use cleaner, easily-styled, semantic markup, and this seems as good a place as any to post the code.

Here's a reworked user_box which outputs the tools menu as an unordered list:

my $content;
if ($S->{UID} > 0) {
  if ($S->have_perm('moderate')) {
    my ($nstories, $tstories) = $S->_count_new_sub();
    my $color = '';
    my $c_end = '';
    if ($nstories) {
       $color = '';
       $c_end = '';
    $content = qq\|<ul>
    <li><a href="|rootdir|/modsub">Vote on Submissionsa> ($tstories/$color$nstories$c_end new)li>\|;

  if ($S->{TRUSTLEV} == 2 \|\| $S->have_perm('super_mojo')) {
    $content .= qq{
  • /search?type=comment;hidden_comments=show">Review Hidden Comments
  • }; } my $urlnick = $S->urlify($S->{NICK}); my $diary_link = $S->{UI}->{VARS}->{use_diaries} ? qq{
  • "|rootdir|/user/$urlnick/diary">Your Diary
  • "|rootdir|/submitstory/Diary">New Diary Entry
  • } : ''; my $upload_link = ($S->{UI}->{VARS}->{allow_uploads} && ($S->have_perm('upload_user') \|\| $S->have_perm('upload_admin'))) ? qq{
  • "|rootdir|/user/$urlnick/files">Your Files
  • } : ''; my $ad_link = $S->{UI}->{VARS}->{use_ads} ? qq{
  • "light" href="|rootdir|/user/$urlnick/ads">Your Advertisements
  • "|rootdir|/submitad">Submit Ad</a>li> } : ''; $content .= qq\|
  • /user/$urlnick">User Info
  • "|rootdir|/user/$urlnick/comments">Your Comments
  • "|rootdir|/user/$urlnick/stories">Your Stories
  • $diary_link $ad_link $upload_link
  • "|rootdir|/user/$urlnick/prefs">User Preferences
  • "|rootdir|/my/prefs/Interface">Display Preferences
  • "|rootdir|/my/prefs/Comments">Comment Preferences
  • "|rootdir|/logout">Logout $S->{NICK}</a>li></ul>\|; $title = $S->{NICK}; } else { $content = $S->{UI}->{BLOCKS}->{login_box}; $content =~ s/|LOGIN_ERROR|/$S->{LOGIN_ERROR}/; } return {content => $content, title => $title };

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