This is A) Faster/better since it cuts out the bother of an imap connection to localhost and accesses your mail directly, B) It actually works (the imap method always failed on a segfault for me at least), C) You gotta like not having to store your username/password in the clear since there's no imap login to perform D) More responsive than webmail for quick email checks, and works even when webmail doesn't.
To use, change the realname line and save with filename ".muttrc"; upload this to your home directory, then login via ssh and type "mutt".
# For TextDrive accounts (running mutt on the server) set mbox_type=Maildir set folder="~/Maildir/" set spoolfile="~/Maildir/" set mask="!^\\.[^.]" set record="+.Sent" set postponed="+.Drafts" set realname="Yourname" mailboxes `\ echo -n "+ "; \ for file in ~/Maildir/.*; do \ box=$(basename $file); \ if [ ! $box = '.' -a ! $box = '..' -a ! $box = '.customflags' \ -a ! $box = '.subscriptions' ]; then \ echo -n "+$box "; \ fi; \ done` macro index c "? " "open a different folder" macro pager c "? " "open a different folder" set allow_8bit # Don't do any Quoted-Printable encoding on 8-bit data! set copy=yes # Ask me if I want to save a copy of my outgoing messages. set delete=yes set noaskcc set nomark_old set reverse_alias set reverse_name set reply_to set attribution="On %d, %n wrote:" set envelope_from set noconfirmappend set print=ask-no set print_cmd="echo Nix printi printi!" set nosave_empty set sort=threads set read_inc=10 set write_inc=10 set noprompt_after set status_format="%r %v [%?M?%M/?%m] %?n?%n new, ?%?p?%p postponed, ?%?t?%t +tagged, ?%?d?%d delet ed, ?(%h:%f) %?b?%b more to go.?%> %r" #set alias_file="~/.aliases" set quote_regexp="^([A-Za-z ]+>|[]>:|}-][]>:|}-]*)" set include set hdr_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15n (%4l) %s" set nomove set tilde set noautoedit set pager_context=1 set pager_stop set pipe_decode set postponed="+postponed" set to_chars="b .c>" set fast_reply color header brightcyan black . color header yellow black Subject: color body brightyellow black [_a-z\.\$A-Z0-9-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\./\-]+ color body yellow black (http|ftp)://[_a-zA-Z0-9\./~\-]+ color quoted green black color signature brightblue black color attachment yellow black color tree red black color indicator black cyan color status yellow blue color tilde blue black bind pager 'w' previous-page bind pager 'j' next-line bind pager 'k' previous-line bind index '#' tag-entry bind index '{' previous-thread bind index '}' next-thread # Headers to ignore ignore * unignore date from to cc subject x-mailer resent-from reply-to