// open existing vim in iTerm
// experimenting with something like this
// as a modification to RunVim
// http://www.fastnlight.com/runvim/
// experimenting with something like this
// as a modification to RunVim
// http://www.fastnlight.com/runvim/
tell application "iTerm" activate set _term_list to every terminal repeat with _term in _term_list tell _term try select session "Vim" select _term set _vim_tty to tty of session "Vim" try --check to see if vim is even running do shell script "ps -t " & _vim_tty & " | grep vim" try --check to see if vim is foreground do shell script "ps -t " & _vim_tty & " -o command,state | grep vim.*+" on error --vim is suspended or something --check for vim as job %+ tell i term application "System Events" key code 6 using control down delay 0.1 key code 14 using control down key code 32 using control down end tell tell session "Vim" write text "jobs | grep ]+.*vim" end tell delay 0.1 set fulltext to text of session "Vim" set fulltext to quoted form of fulltext set lastline to do shell script "echo " & fulltext & " | tail -n 2 | head -n 1" set lastline to quoted form of lastline try --check %+ do shell script "echo " & lastline & " | grep -v jobs" tell session "Vim" write text "fg %+" end tell on error --vim is not %+ job --check to see if vim is %- job tell session "Vim" write text "jobs | grep ]-.*vim" end tell delay 0.1 set fulltext to text of session "Vim" set fulltext to quoted form of fulltext set lastline to do shell script "echo " & fulltext & " | tail -n 2 | head -n 1" set lastline to quoted form of lastline try --check %- do shell script "echo " & lastline & " | grep -v jobs" tell session "Vim" write text "fg %-" end tell on error --vim is not %- job; just pick the first one in jobs list tell session "Vim" write text "jobs | grep -m 1 vim" end tell delay 0.1 set fulltext to text of session "Vim" set fulltext to quoted form of fulltext set lastline to do shell script "echo " & fulltext & " | tail -n 2 | head -n 1" set lastline to quoted form of lastline set jobnumber to do shell script "echo " & lastline & " | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'" tell session "Vim" write text "fg " & jobnumber end tell end try --%- end try --%+ end try --vim foreground -- escape in case Vim was not in command mode tell i term application "System Events" key code 53 end tell tell session "Vim" write text ":enew" end tell on error -- vim not running tell i term application "System Events" key code 6 using control down delay 0.1 key code 14 using control down key code 32 using control down end tell tell session "Vim" write text "vim; exit" end tell end try exit repeat end try end tell end repeat tell _term try select session "Vim" on error --no existing Vim session launch session "Default Session" set name of the last session to "Vim" tell the last session write text "vim; exit" end tell end try end tell end tell