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Open existing vim in iTerm (See related posts)

// open existing vim in iTerm
// experimenting with something like this
// as a modification to RunVim

tell application "iTerm"
        set _term_list to every terminal
        repeat with _term in _term_list
                tell _term
                                select session "Vim"
                                select _term
                                set _vim_tty to tty of session "Vim"
                                try --check to see if vim is even running
                                        do shell script "ps -t " & _vim_tty & " | grep vim"
                                        try --check to see if vim is foreground
                                                do shell script "ps -t " & _vim_tty & " -o command,state | grep vim.*+"
                                        on error --vim is suspended or something
                                                --check for vim as job %+
                                                tell i term application "System Events"
                                                        key code 6 using control down
                                                        delay 0.1
                                                        key code 14 using control down
                                                        key code 32 using control down
                                                end tell
                                                tell session "Vim"
                                                        write text "jobs | grep ]+.*vim"
                                                end tell
                                                delay 0.1
                                                set fulltext to text of session "Vim"
                                                set fulltext to quoted form of fulltext
                                                set lastline to do shell script "echo " & fulltext & " | tail -n 2 | head -n 1"
                                                set lastline to quoted form of lastline
                                                try --check %+
                                                        do shell script "echo " & lastline & " | grep -v jobs"
                                                        tell session "Vim"
                                                                write text "fg %+"
                                                        end tell
                                                on error --vim is not %+ job
                                                        --check to see if vim is %- job
                                                        tell session "Vim"
                                                                write text "jobs | grep ]-.*vim"
                                                        end tell
                                                        delay 0.1
                                                        set fulltext to text of session "Vim"
                                                        set fulltext to quoted form of fulltext
                                                        set lastline to do shell script "echo " & fulltext & " | tail -n 2 | head -n 1"
                                                        set lastline to quoted form of lastline
                                                        try --check %-
                                                                do shell script "echo " & lastline & " | grep -v jobs"
                                                                tell session "Vim"
                                                                        write text "fg %-"
                                                                end tell
                                                        on error --vim is not %- job; just pick the first one in jobs list
                                                                tell session "Vim"
                                                                        write text "jobs | grep -m 1 vim"
                                                                end tell
                                                                delay 0.1
                                                                set fulltext to text of session "Vim"
                                                                set fulltext to quoted form of fulltext
                                                                set lastline to do shell script "echo " & fulltext & " | tail -n 2 | head -n 1"
                                                                set lastline to quoted form of lastline
                                                                set jobnumber to do shell script "echo " & lastline & " | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'"
                                                                tell session "Vim"
                                                                        write text "fg " & jobnumber
                                                                end tell
                                                        end try --%-
                                                end try --%+
                                        end try --vim foreground
                                        -- escape in case Vim was not in command mode
                                        tell i term application "System Events"
                                                key code 53
                                        end tell
                                        tell session "Vim"
                                                write text ":enew"
                                        end tell
                                on error -- vim not running
                                        tell i term application "System Events"
                                                key code 6 using control down
                                                delay 0.1
                                                key code 14 using control down
                                                key code 32 using control down
                                        end tell
                                        tell session "Vim"
                                                write text "vim; exit"
                                        end tell
                                end try
                                exit repeat
                        end try
                end tell
        end repeat
        tell _term
                        select session "Vim"
                on error --no existing Vim session
                        launch session "Default Session"
                        set name of the last session to "Vim"
                        tell the last session
                                write text "vim; exit"
                        end tell
                end try
        end tell
end tell

Comments on this post

bww posts on Feb 20, 2007 at 03:33
Wow! Great script turtlboy, thanks so much! I simple did a search and replace and modified it to run mutt. Of course I can now just launch quicksilver and run mutt! Thanks for the great work!

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