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vi find/replaces for adding a table prefix to a SQL dump

Was importing a DB but wanted to prefix the tables, but the file was too large for TextMate. Here's all the vim substitutions


Open existing vim in iTerm

// open existing vim in iTerm
// experimenting with something like this
// as a modification to RunVim

tell application "iTerm"
        set _term_list to every terminal
        repeat with _term in _term_list
                tell _term
                                select session "Vim"
                                select _term
                                set _vim_tty to tty of session "Vim"
                                try --check to see if vim is even running
                                        do shell script "ps -t " & _vim_tty & " | grep vim"
                                        try --check to see if vim is foreground
                                                do shell script "ps -t " & _vim_tty & " -o command,state | grep vim.*+"
                                        on error --vim is suspended or something
                                                --check for vim as job %+
                                                tell i term application "System Events"
                                                        key code 6 using control down
                                                        delay 0.1
                                                        key code 14 using control down
                                                        key code 32 using control down
                                                end tell
                                                tell session "Vim"
                                                        write text "jobs | grep ]+.*vim"
                                                end tell
                                                delay 0.1
                                                set fulltext to text of session "Vim"
                                                set fulltext to quoted form of fulltext
                                                set lastline to do shell script "echo " & fulltext & " | tail -n 2 | head -n 1"
                                                set lastline to quoted form of lastline
                                                try --check %+
                                                        do shell script "echo " & lastline & " | grep -v jobs"
                                                        tell session "Vim"
                                                                write text "fg %+"
                                                        end tell
                                                on error --vim is not %+ job
                                                        --check to see if vim is %- job
                                                        tell session "Vim"
                                                                write text "jobs | grep ]-.*vim"
                                                        end tell
                                                        delay 0.1
                                                        set fulltext to text of session "Vim"
                                                        set fulltext to quoted form of fulltext
                                                        set lastline to do shell script "echo " & fulltext & " | tail -n 2 | head -n 1"
                                                        set lastline to quoted form of lastline
                                                        try --check %-
                                                                do shell script "echo " & lastline & " | grep -v jobs"
                                                                tell session "Vim"
                                                                        write text "fg %-"
                                                                end tell
                                                        on error --vim is not %- job; just pick the first one in jobs list
                                                                tell session "Vim"
                                                                        write text "jobs | grep -m 1 vim"
                                                                end tell
                                                                delay 0.1
                                                                set fulltext to text of session "Vim"
                                                                set fulltext to quoted form of fulltext
                                                                set lastline to do shell script "echo " & fulltext & " | tail -n 2 | head -n 1"
                                                                set lastline to quoted form of lastline
                                                                set jobnumber to do shell script "echo " & lastline & " | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'"
                                                                tell session "Vim"
                                                                        write text "fg " & jobnumber
                                                                end tell
                                                        end try --%-
                                                end try --%+
                                        end try --vim foreground
                                        -- escape in case Vim was not in command mode
                                        tell i term application "System Events"
                                                key code 53
                                        end tell
                                        tell session "Vim"
                                                write text ":enew"
                                        end tell
                                on error -- vim not running
                                        tell i term application "System Events"
                                                key code 6 using control down
                                                delay 0.1
                                                key code 14 using control down
                                                key code 32 using control down
                                        end tell
                                        tell session "Vim"
                                                write text "vim; exit"
                                        end tell
                                end try
                                exit repeat
                        end try
                end tell
        end repeat
        tell _term
                        select session "Vim"
                on error --no existing Vim session
                        launch session "Default Session"
                        set name of the last session to "Vim"
                        tell the last session
                                write text "vim; exit"
                        end tell
                end try
        end tell
end tell

How to count particular words in vim

From one of the comments in


The above substitutes "word" for itself, and tells you the number of substitutions made.

VIM Tips

Quick Tips

* To quickly get out of command-line, press ctrl+c, it's faster than hitting ESC multiple times.
* ~ changes case of current letter.
* zb, zt, and zz scrolls the screen to make the current line at the top, bottom, or middle.
* to auto-indent a piece of code, highlight it in visual mode, and press =, to auto-indent the current line, press ==.
* Use gq to wrap the highlighted peice of text.
* Use :set wrap and :set wrap! to toggle long line wrapping.
* To visually check the difference between two files, use vimdiff file1 file2, it provides a nice color-highlighted view with code folding, much better than plain diff.
* Type :help to access Vim's help, and :help cmd for information on the command cmd.
* vimtutor is Vim newcomer's friend, it provides a course on Vim usage.

// insert code here..

shell/vim .rc's for Japanese support (UTF-8)

Get Japanese (and other multibyte, ascii-unfriendly languages) working in the Terminal.

.inputrc (bash)
set convert-meta off
set meta-flag on
set output-meta on

.cshrc (tcsh)
set dspmbyte=utf8

:set enc=utf-8
:set fenc=utf-8

And don't forget 'ls -w' or 'ls -v' to display files and directories.

Preferences: Uncheck 'Emulation > Escape non-ASCII characters';

More at Apple Support - Topic: Displaying foreign characters in the Terminal command line.
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