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Populating a Winforms ComboBox with csharp

private void PoblarComboPais()
// Trae las sociedades correspondientes al país
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
// Conexión
string cn = SqlOptions.ConnectionString();

// DataReader
this.cboPais.DataSource = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(cn,CommandType.Text , "SELECT * FROM MAE_PAIS").Tables[0];
this.cboPais.ValueMember = "chrPais";
this.cboPais.DisplayMember = "chrPaisNombre";

//Puntero del mouse normal
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

Borked LoadImageFromURL Method For Compact Framework

      public static Image LoadImageFromURL(string URL) 
         HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) HttpWebRequest.Create(URL); 
         HttpWebResponse response = null; 
         BinaryReader br = null; 
         MemoryStream stream = null; 
         request.Timeout = 10000;   // 10 Seconds 
            int tmp = ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit; 
            response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();  // i lock up on the second method call 
            br = new BinaryReader((response.GetResponseStream())); 
            byte[] buffer = new byte[256]; 
            stream = new MemoryStream(); 
            int length =0; 
               length = br.Read(buffer,0,256); 
            while (length >0); 

            request = null; 
            response = null; 
            return (Image)new Bitmap(stream); 
         catch(Exception e) 
            return null; 
            if (response != null) 
               response = null; 

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