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Finding stuff in strings / or not!

Contains is an actionscript function that I use a lot. From Kirupa

contains = function (input, arrayData) {
  for (i=0; i<arrayData.length; i++) {
    if (arrayData[i] == input) {
      return 1;
  return -1;

explode() function for Actionscript

A simple version of the explode() function in PHP. It takes a string and splits it up into an array by splitting it at whatever character (or characters) you specify. For example, reading in a tab delimited text file. Will split it into lines by splitting on returns ("\r"). Then split up the lines by splitting on tabs ("\t").

Attribution: I didn't write this myself, I found it in a comment on one of the Actionscript on-line documentation pages.

function explode(separator:String, string:String) {

        var list = new Array();

        if (separator == null) return false;
        if (string == null) return false;

        var currentStringPosition = 0;
        while (currentStringPosition<string.length) {
                var nextIndex = string.indexOf(separator, currentStringPosition);
                if (nextIndex == -1) break;
                var word = string.slice(currentStringPosition, nextIndex);
                currentStringPosition = nextIndex+1;
        if (list.length<1) {
        } else {
                list.push(string.slice(currentStringPosition, string.length));
        return list;

print_r() for Actionscript

Here's a cheap little function to mimic the print_r() function from PHP in Actionscript. It's designed to work on most any array and will handle nested arrays through recursion.
// recursive function to print out the contents of an array similar to the PHP print_r() funciton
function print_a( obj, indent ) {
        if (indent == null) indent = "";
        var out = "";
        for ( item in obj ) {
                if (typeof( obj[item] ) == "object" )
                        out += indent+"[" + item + "] => Object\n";
                        out += indent+"[" + item + "] => " + obj[item]+"\n";
                out += print_a( obj[item], indent+"   " );
        return out;
// example call
trace( print_a( example_array ) );

Collapse Whitespace function for Actionscript

This function will strip out all tabs and return characters. It will also collapse all runs of multiple spaces down to one. It will also remove a leading and trailing spaces. It is similar to the php_strip_whiespace() function in PHP.

function collapseWhiteSpace( theString ) {
        theString =  theString.split("\r").join("");
        theString =  theString.split("\t").join("");
        while ( theString.indexOf("  " ) != -1 ) {
                theString= theString.split("  ").join(" ");
        if (theString.substr(0,1) == " ") {
                theString = theString.substr( 1 );
        if (theString.substr( theString.length-1, 1 ) == " ") {
                theString = theString.substr( 0, theString.length - 1 );
        return( theString );

botones con cambio de frame adentro de movieclip



stoping a movie clip

Tengo un botony un movie clip que
avanza y despues el boton lo para

volver.onPress = function(){
this._x+=27 ;
boton1.onPress = function() {
delete violeta.onEnterFrame;

POST and GET: Flash

Sends POST data to a webpage through flash.

var my_Var:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_Var.Variavel1 = Variavel1_txt.text;
my_Var.Variavel2 = Variavel2_txt.text;

/*"_self" specifies the current frame in the current window. 
"_blank" specifies a new window. 
"_parent" specifies the parent of the current frame. 
"_top" specifies the top-level frame in the current window. */

my_Var.send("URL_stays_here", "_blank", "POST");

Things I keep forgetting...

How to access something in the timeline dynamically:




Random Numer

Random number function - returns a number between min and max
Receives (min, max)
Returns randomNum

function randRange(min:Number, max:Number):Number {
    var randomNum:Number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
    return randomNum;


// Countdown code

countDown = function() {
        seconds_conta = seconds_conta - 1;
        hours = int(seconds_conta / 3600);
        minutes = int((seconds_conta / 60) - (hours * 60));
        //seconds = int(seconds_conta-((hours*3600)+minutes*60));
        seconds = int((seconds_conta % 60));
        //Se for menor que dez, acrescenta um zero
        //Será que precisa colocar no frame correto?
                //trace("seconds_conta: "+seconds_conta);
                //trace("hours: "+hours);
                //trace("minutes: "+minutes);
                //trace("seconds: "+seconds);
        if (seconds_conta == 0) {
                  //Chama função de acabar a contagem!

///////// Acrescentar no código
//Tempo total inicial em segundos ->Calculado a partir da quantidade de questões
seconds_conta = 185;
///////// Inicia o timer
//A cada 1000 ms, ativa a função countDown, diminuindo um segundo do total
timer = setInterval(countDown, 1000);

loadVars (from debugger.lzx)

// description of your code here

    <method name='checkServerResponse'>
        var loadobj = new LoadVars();
        loadobj.onData = this.checkServerResponseHandler;
        var reqstr =  LzBrowser.toAbsoluteURL( "__dbgprobe.lzx?lzt=stat", false );
        loadobj.sendAndLoad(reqstr , loadobj, "POST" );

      // NB: This is a callback handler, and 'this' will be bound to some LoadVars object, not to Debug
      if (src == undefined) {
        Debug.addHTMLText('<font color="#FF8800">Debugger cannot contact LPS server, switching to SOLO mode.</font>\n');
        Debug.setAttribute('solo_mode', true);

Check connection with Zinc

function isConnected():Boolean {
var results = mdm.Network.checkConnection();
return results;
var hasConnection = isConnected();

Internet Connection: Flash 8 Only.

var connected:Boolean = false;
function checkConnection():Void {
var myLoadVars:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
myLoadVars.onHTTPStatus = function(httpStatus:Number) {
if (httpStatus != 0) {
connected = true;
} else {
connected = false;
delete this;

SetTimeout : Flash

function testMe() {
 trace("callback: "+getTimer()+" ms.");

var intervalID:Number = setTimeout(testMe, 1000);

// clearTimeout(intervalID) // for clear the timeout

Dynamically placed buttons

It's simple, yet I often forget this.

var myMC:MovieClip;
var i = 1;
var pad = 5;
while (i<6) {
        trace(" i : "+i);
        myMC.duplicateMovieClip("myMC"+i, i);
        this["myMC"+i]._x = this["myMC"+(i-1)]._x+(this["myMC"+(i-1)]._width)+pad;
        this["myMC"+i].onRollOver = function() {

Retreiving a Flash movie's domain name

Use the LocalConnection object to get the domain name of the server where the Flash movie is located.

var localDomainLC:LocalConneciton = new LocalConnection();
myDomainName = localDomainLC.domain();
trace( "My domain is " + myDomainName );

This will print out something like this:

My domain is example.com

Use Flash's MovieClipLoader Class

I'm always forgetting the syntax for this...

var oImgListener = new Object();
oImgListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc)
     trace(target_mc._name + "  load complete");

var mclImg = new MovieClipLoader();
mclImg.loadClip("http://myurl.com/path/to/swf/or/jpg", mcImgLoader);
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