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Plugin: Attachment_fu - Install, Setup, Testing

This nightmare has required the following:

- Add
ENV[‘DB’] =mysql’
to /config/environment.rb
- Add:
rescue Technoweenie::AttachmentFu::Backends::S3Backend::RequiredLibraryNotFoundError
to /vendor/plugins/attachment_fu/test/fixtures
- Go into ../test and run: ruby test_helper.rb
- if all goes well you should finish the test_helper load without error.
- delete the file backends/remote/s3_test.rb (useless tests of S3 system)

Attached is a generators directory that should go under the base directory of attachment_fu/
This can be used as a model generator for models using a_fu. Use scaffold_resource generator after attachment_model to generate a skeleton site upon which to build.
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