send mail with :login
// with ":login" you authenticate with user and password
// more info: Library Net:SMTP [Dave Thomas, The Pragmatc Programmer]
// more info: Library Net:SMTP [Dave Thomas, The Pragmatc Programmer]
# send email with :login def send_email(subject, message) from='' from_alias='the sender' to='' to_alias='the recipient' smtp_host='' port=25 # default port is 25 user='username' password='its_a_secret' myMessage = <<END_OF_MESSAGE From: #{from_alias} <#{from}> To: #{to_alias} <#{to}> Subject: #{subject} #{message} END_OF_MESSAGE Net::SMTP.start(smtphost, port, from, user, password, :login) do |smtp| smtp.send_message myMessage, from, to end end