// description of your code here
partial that handles the author name portion of a message entry form.
<%= error_messages_for 'message' %>
=" author_name "> Author label>/>
<% if ! @logged_in then %>
<%= text_field(:author, :name, :size = > 30 , :maxsize => 80 , :disabled => ! @logged_in ) -%> >
< em ><%= link_to('Login', :controller => :account , :action => :login )-%> or
<%= link_to('Create an account', :controller = > :account ,
:action => :signup ) %> to use your own author name!>< br />
<% elsif ( @user_authors . nil? and @user_authors . length > 0 ) then %>
<%= collection_select(:message, :author_id, @user_authors, :user_id, :name) % >< br />
(< em > or create a new authorname em>)
<%= text_field(:author, :name, :size => 30, :maxsize => 80, :disabled => !@logged_in) -%>/>
<% else %>
<%= text_field(:author, :name, :size = > 30 , :maxsize => 80 , :disabled => ! @logged_in ) -%> >
<% end %>