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Add all new files to Subversion

Bash script to add all new files to Subversion

for i in `svn st | grep ? | awk -F "      " '{print $2}'`; do svn add $i; done

Web bandwidth determination with awk

cat access_log | awk '{sum += $10} END {print int(sum/1024/1024),"MB"}'

zcat access_log.something.gz | awk '{sum += $10} END {print int(sum/1024/1024),"MB"}'

killing your own dispatch.fcgis

ps aux|grep youruser|grep dispatch|awk '{print $2}'|xargs kill -9

of course you can use this for any process and just change the 'dispatch' part

View processes, grep out by user and then kill all their PIDs

ps axu | grep user | kill -9 `awk{print $2}�`

Clearing out a bunch of spam with spoofed emails that were bounced back to some poor guy with a catchall email

We don't really want to delete them all just in case.

cd /usr/local/scratch/
mkdir junk
find /var/spool/postfix -exec grep "somediscernible-feature.com" '{}' \; | awk '{print($3)}' | xargs -J X mv X ./junk/

The "find" produces

Binary file /var/spool/postfix/active/D/D8832E38 matches
Binary file /var/spool/postfix/active/D/D78EC1C72 matches
Binary file /var/spool/postfix/active/D/D593D279D matches
Binary file /var/spool/postfix/active/D/D0EB32833 matches

The awk


And then the mv, moves it.
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