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Capistrano task to load production data

# load production data, still needs some polish
# based on code from
# cap 2.0 compatible
# exec is being weird, had to end w/ a syscall :\ any ideas?

desc "Load production data into development database"
task :load_production_data, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do
  require 'yaml'
  ['config/database.yml'].each do |file|

    database = YAML::load_file(file)

    filename = "dump.#{ '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'}.sql.gz"
    # on_rollback { delete "/tmp/#{filename}" }

    # run "mysqldump -u #{database['production']['username']} --password=#{database['production']['password']} #{database['production']['database']} > /tmp/#{filename}" do |channel, stream, data|
    run "mysqldump -h #{database['production']['host']} -u #{database['production']['username']} --password=#{database['production']['password']} #{database['production']['database']} | gzip > /tmp/#{filename}" do |channel, stream, data|
      puts data
    get "/tmp/#{filename}", filename
    # exec "/tmp/#{filename}"
    password = database['development']['password'].nil? ? '' : "--password=#{database['development']['password']}"  # FIXME pass shows up in process list, do not use in shared hosting!!! Use a .my.cnf instead
    # FIXME exec and run w/ localhost as host not working :\
    # exec "mysql -u #{database['development']['username']} #{password} #{database['development']['database']} < #{filename}; rm -f #{filename}"
    `gunzip -c #{filename} | mysql -u #{database['development']['username']} #{password} #{database['development']['database']} && rm -f gunzip #{filename}`
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