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Reset Error AutoFile

// description of your code here

update orders set statusid = 1,currentqueueid = 1, ntuser = null,checkedout = null where orderid = 19111067

Get Efile Counts

// description of your code here

        convert(varchar(6),n.notedate) as [date],count(*) as cnt
        orders o inner join 
        orderdetail od on o.orderid = od.orderid inner join
        ordernotes n on o.orderid = n.orderid
        od.jurisdictionid = 3152 and
        od.serviceid in (3,4,12,13,15,18) and
        (n.noteid = 18 and n.notedate between '1/1/2006 12:01 AM' and '12/31/2006 11:59 PM')
        --(n.noteid = 129 and n.notedate between '1/1/2006 12:01 AM' and '12/31/2006 11:59 PM')
group by
order by

select * from #temp
compute sum(cnt)
drop table #temp
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