graph library
// graph library
// A library to implement graphic on JavaScript by Giovanni Nicco // Commands have Java syntax // // // // drawArc(x,y,l,h,alpha0,alpha1): draw an arc of oval from alpha0 to alpha1 (radians) // drawImage(x,y,fileName) : draws an image (fileName) in x,y // drawOval(x,y,width,heigth): draw an oval (or circle) (use last setColor color) // drawLine(x0,y0,x1,y1): draws a line from x0,y0 to x1,y1 // drawRect(x0,y0,width,heigth): draws a rectangle // drawString(s,x,y): draws a strings s in x,y // fillArc(x,y,l,h,alpha0,alpha1): draw a filled arc of oval from alpha0 to alpha1 (radians) // fillRect(x0,y0,width,heigth,color): draw a filled rectangle (need color) // fillOval(x,y,width,heigth): draw a filled oval (or circle) (use last setColor color) // setColor(c); sets the color of next figures to be c (unsetted color is black) // setPoint(x,y); draw a point in x,y (black or of the color setted by setColor() var red='red'; var green='green'; var blue='blue'; function drawArc(x,y,l,h,alpha0,alpha1){ rx=l/2;ry=h/2; xc=x+rx;yc=y+ry da=Math.PI/360 for(var alpha=alpha0;alpha<=alpha1;alpha+=da){ drawLine(xc+rx*Math.cos(alpha),yc-ry*Math.sin(alpha),xc+rx*Math.cos(alpha+da),yc-ry*Math.sin(alpha+da)); } } function drawImage(x,y,i) { document.writeln(''+x+'px; top:'+y+'px">'+i+'">'); } function drawLine(x0,y0,x1,y1){ dx=x1-x0;dy=y1-y0; if(y1>=y0){versoy=1}else{versoy=-1} if(x1>=x0){versox=1}else{versox=-1} npx=Math.abs(dx);npy=Math.abs(dy); var i=0; if( dx*dx >= dy*dy){ // tg <= 45� deY=dy/npx; with(document){ while(i++<=npx){ write('' +x0+ '; top:' +y0+ '">.'); x0+=versox;y0+=deY } } } else{ // tg > 45� deX=dx/npy; with(document){ while(i++<=npy){ write('' +x0+ '; top:' +y0+ '">.'); y0+=versoy;x0+=deX; } } } } function drawOval(x,y,l,h){ rx=l/2;ry=h/2; xc=x+rx;yc=y+ry da=Math.PI/360 for(var alpha=0;alpha<=6.29;alpha+=da){ drawLine(xc+rx*Math.cos(alpha),yc- ry*Math.sin(alpha),xc+rx*Math.cos(alpha+da),yc- ry*Math.sin(alpha+da)); } } function drawRect(x0,y0,l,h){ x0=Math.floor(x0);y0=Math.floor(y0); l=Math.ceil(l);h=Math.ceil(h); drawLine(x0,y0,x0+l,y0); drawLine(x0,y0,x0,y0+h); drawLine(x0+l,y0+h,x0+l,y0); drawLine(x0+l,y0+h,x0,y0+h); } function drawString(s,x,y){ document.write('' +x+ 'px; top:' +y+ 'px">'+s+''); } function fillArc(x,y,l,h,alpha0,alpha1){ rx=l/2;ry=h/2; xc=x+rx;yc=y+ry da=Math.PI/180 for(var alpha=alpha0;alpha<=alpha1;alpha+=da){ drawLine(xc,yc,xc+rx*Math.cos(alpha+da),yc-ry*Math.sin(alpha+da)); } } function fillOval(x,y,l,h){ var rx=l/2; var ry=h/2; var xc=x+rx;var yc=y+ry for(var xx=x+l;xx>=-x;xx--){ alpha=Math.acos((xx-x)/l) drawLine(xc+rx*Math.cos(alpha),yc-ry*Math.sin(alpha),xc+rx*Math.cos(-alpha),yc-ry*Math.sin(-alpha)); } } function fillRect(x,y,w,h,color){ document.write( '
'+ y+'; left:'+ x+'; width:'+w+ '; height:'+h+'; background-color: '+ color+' " >' ) } function setColor(c){ document.write(''+c+'>'); } function setPoint(x,y){ document.write(' ' +x+ 'px; top:' +y+ 'px">. ' ); }