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jsp:include and <%@ include, UTF-8

jsp:include will dynamically detect any changes made to the included file. So in general, it is better to use jsp:include than the include directive.

There is another advantage. If the included file contains UTF-8 characters that are other than ASCII, then using jsp:include will ensure these characters displaying correctly. However, if the included file is a JSP file, you'll need to put this at the beginning:
<%@ page language="java" %>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>

Make your JSP an XHTML

By default, a JSP file won't be considered as an XHTML stream by the web browser. This will make things such as XForms not being rendered since the browser XForms plugins/addons render Xforms only for XHTML pages. To make a JSP file as XHTML, put this at the beginning of the JSP file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<% response.setContentType("application/xhtml+xml"); %>

Note that the XML declaration has to be in the first line for a valid XHTML. Of course, after doing this, you need to make all your tags valid XML in your JSP as well.

How to use JSTL fmt:message and resource bundle

To use JSTL fmt:message tags with a message bundle, there are two ways.

First, if there is only one properties file, use, the following code in web.xml file.


Use in the JSP.

Second, if there are multiple properties files, and there are different locales, use
<fmt:setBundle basename=""/>


Or you can write

<fmt:bundle basename="">
  <fmt:message key="your.message.key"/>

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