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How to configure MySQL for UTF8 when running MovableType as FastCGI

Use the modified dispatcher.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use MT::Bootstrap;
use CGI::Fast;

# preload app packages
use MT::App::CMS;
use MT::App::Comments;
use MT::App::Trackback;
use MT::App::Search;
## uncomment if necessary, but this adds a lot of
## overhead since it loads up LibXML.
##use MT::AtomServer;

my $handlers = {
    'mt.fcgi' => { class => 'MT::App::CMS', name => 'AdminScript' },
    'mt-comments.fcgi' => { class => 'MT::App::Comments', name => 'CommentScript' },
    'mt-tb.fcgi' => { class => 'MT::App::Trackback', name => 'TrackbackScript' },
    'mt-search.fcgi' => { class => 'MT::App::Search', name => 'SearchScript' },
## See note above about this...
##    'mt-atom.fcgi' => { class => 'MT::AtomServer', name => 'AtomScript' },

eval {
    while (my $q = new CGI::Fast) {
        my $cgi = $q->script_name;
        $cgi =~ s!.*/!!;
        my $pkg = $handlers->{$cgi}{class};
        die "Invalid handler for $cgi" unless $pkg;
        my $app = $pkg->new(CGIObject => $q) or die $pkg->errstr;
        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $app->trace($_[0]) };
        $app->init_request(CGIObject => $q) unless $app->{init_request};
        # do a little nasty over-the-back jump and setup MySQL on every connection        
        my $driver = MT::Object->driver;
        my $dbh = $driver->{dbh};
              my $names_cmd = $dbh->prepare("SET NAMES UTF8");
        my $mode = $app->mode || '';
        if ("$pkg->$mode" eq 'MT::App::CMS->plugin_control') {
            exit; # allows server to recycle after changing plugin switches
if ($@) {
    print "Content-Type: text/htmlnn";
    print "Got an error: $@";

sub fixup_script_names {
    my ($app) = @_;
    $app->config($handlers->{$_}{name}, $_) foreach keys %$handlers;

Display In 2-Column Table

The below can be applied to MT, EE, etc, and will display the content in a 2 column table. The EE tags below are just an example, it will work equally well if you replace it with MT, Wordpress, etc, tags.

 $set_table="0"; ?>

<table cellpadding="5" border="0">
{exp:gallery:categories gallery="{gallery_name}"}
$fs_table = $set_table +1;
if ($set_table == "1") {echo"";} ?>

Insert other tags here.

 if ($set_table == "2") {echo"";  $set_table="0";} ?>

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