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Ruby Autoit script to handle javascript popups

Run this code to take care of any javascript popups or security confirmations. It will always click "OK".

require 'win32ole'

  autoit = WIN32OLE.new('AutoItX3.Control')
  loop do
   autoit.ControlClick("Microsoft Internet Explorer",'', 'OK')
   autoit.ControlClick("Security Information",'', '&Yes')
   autoit.ControlClick("Security Alert",'', '&Yes')
rescue Exception => e
  puts e

If you are using this as part of a script, you can include it using this structure.

require 'win32/process'

  @pid = Process.create(
          :app_name       => 'ruby clicker.rb', #assuming you make the above script into a file called clicker.rb
          :creation_flags  => Process::DETACHED_PROCESS
at_exit{ Process.kill(9,@pid) }
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