serve suitable mime type with php
<?php /* This script determines the preferred MIME type of a user agent and then delivers either application/xhtml+xml or text/html. Copyright (c) 2003 - 2004 Keystone Websites and Simon Jessey */ $charset = "utf-8"; $mime = "text/html"; function fix_code($buffer) { return (str_replace(" />", ">", $buffer)); } if(stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"],"application/xhtml+xml")) { if(preg_match("/application\/xhtml\+xml;q=([01]|0\.\d{1,3}|1\.0)/i",$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"],$matches)) { $xhtml_q = $matches[1]; if(preg_match("/text\/html;q=q=([01]|0\.\d{1,3}|1\.0)/i",$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"],$matches)) { $html_q = $matches[1]; if((float)$xhtml_q >= (float)$html_q) { $mime = "application/xhtml+xml"; } } } else { $mime = "application/xhtml+xml"; } } if(stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"],"WDG_Validator") || stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"],"W3C_Validator")) { $mime = "application/xhtml+xml"; } if($mime == "application/xhtml+xml") { $doc_head = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$charset\"?>\n"; $doc_head = $doc_head."\"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\""; $doc_head = $doc_head." \"\">\n"; $doc_head = $doc_head."\"\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n\n"; $doc_head = $doc_head." \"\">\n"; } else { ob_start("fix_code"); $doc_head = "\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\""; $doc_head = $doc_head." \"\">\n"; $doc_head = $doc_head."\"en\">\n\n"; $doc_head = $doc_head." \"\">\n"; $doc_head = $doc_head." \"content-type\" content=\"$mime;charset=$charset\">\n"; } header("Content-Type: $mime;charset=$charset"); header("Vary: Accept"); print $doc_head; ?>
Replace you doctype declaration, mime type in the head of your document or template with:
<?php include("pathtowhateveryouhavecalledit.php"); ?>
Many thanks to Simon Jessey for this version.