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Iolaire McFadden

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Watermelon Gazpacho

Very good for summer - from my site:

Watermelon Gazpacho
* 1 Seedless Watermelon, dice small
* 4 Cucumbers, seeded, dice small
* 4 Celery stalks, dice small
* 2 Red Peppers, dice small
* 2 Green Bell Peppers, dice small
* 1 Red Onion, dice small
* 1 Bunch Green Onion, sliced
* 1 Bunch Cilantro, chopped
* 3 oz Olive Oil
* 3 oz Sherry Vinegar
* 2 oz Cayenne Pepper
* 2 oz Cumin

Mix all ingredients together and chill for two or more hours before serving.

Remember that you are having fun and trying to make something that tastes good, thus modify recipe as needed.
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