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Jamie Wilkinson

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Convert MySQL tables to InnoDB

// Slower than MyISAM, but row locking is clutch if you're doing a lot of writes amirite?

for t in $(mysql --batch --column-names=false -e "show tables" mydbname |grep -v "exclude_this");
mysql -e "alter table $t type=InnoDB" mydbname;


Cache a local copy of Google Analytics' urchin.js

Speed up your website by caching Google's urchin.js locally, and then refreshing it @nightly with this here script. Some background:

# urchin.js local caching by Jamie Wilkinson 

# config

# work
wget -O $URCHIN.tmp
if [ -s $URCHIN.tmp ]; then
        rm $URCHIN
        mv $URCHIN.tmp $URCHIN
        chmod 644 $URCHIN

exit 0;

Handling filenames with spaces in a bash for or while loop

// The `find` here gets every directory in my home dir, one level deep, but some of them have spaces... the default 'for i in $(find ...)' behavior treats each individual word boundary as a separate variable, but piping to `read` breaks them on newlines
// Note: OS X `find` does not support "-depth 1" (its -depth opt is for depth-first searching vs. breadth-first), just use an 'ls' with an 'if [ -d $filename]' to test for directories

find ~ -type d -depth 1 | while read filename; do
# ls ~ | while read filename; do
        echo $filename
        # other stuff

sup: bash script for universal SCM syncing (svn, svk, cvs, darcs, etc.)

I really can never remember if the project I'm in uses svn or cvs or if it's my own local svk mirror, etc. etc. Thus was born 'sup'!

Save and drop into a location that's in your PATH (I use ~/bin, YMMV)

# sup -- a quick bash script to sync w/ various SCM tools
# @author   Jamie Wilkinson 


## subversion
if [ -e ".svn" ]; then
        svn up
## cvs
elif [ -e "CVS" ]; then
        cvs up -dP
## darcs
elif [ -e "_darcs" ]; then
        darcs pull --all
## svk
elif [ -n "`grep $HERE ~/.svk/config`" ]; then
    svk up
## git
elif [ -e ".git" ]; then
    git pull
## perforce
#   todo
## arch
#   todo
## bzr
#   todo

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