Solaris Capistrano deploy.rb
// most important thing is overriding some tasks to use GNU ln, since solaris' ln are subtly different
set :application, "awesomeapp" set :repository, "{application}/trunk" role :web, "" role :app, "" role :db, "", :primary => true set :deploy_to, "/path/to/app" set :user, "appuser" set :svn, "/opt/csw/bin/svn" set :rake, "/opt/csw/bin/rake" set :mongrel_config, "#{deploy_to}/shared/config/mongrel_cluster.yml" set :use_sudo, false desc "The spinner task is used by :cold_deploy to start the application up" task :spinner, :roles => [:web, :app, :node] do run "/opt/csw/bin/mongrel_rails cluster::start -C #{mongrel_config}" # or SMF end desc "Restart the Mongrel processes on the app server." task :restart, :roles => [:web, :app, :node] do run "/opt/csw/bin/mongrel_rails cluster::restart -C #{mongrel_config}" # or SMF end desc "Symlinks the database.yml into the current release" task :after_update_code, :roles => [:web, :app, :node] do run "/opt/csw/bin/gln -nfs #{shared_path}/config/database.yml #{release_path}/config/database.yml" end # Run rake migrate after the symlinking has been done, just because I'm a lazy bum task :after_symlink, :roles => :db do backup migrate end # ===================================================================================== # = Overriding these tasks because we need to use GNU ln and need the full path to it = desc <<-DESC Update the 'current' symlink to point to the latest version of the application's code. Using GNU ln DESC task :symlink, :roles => [:app, :db, :web, :node] do on_rollback { run "/opt/csw/bin/gln -nfs #{previous_release} #{current_path}" } run "/opt/csw/bin/gln -nfs #{current_release} #{current_path}" end desc <<-DESC Rollback the latest checked-out version to the previous one by fixing the symlinks and deleting the current release from all servers. DESC task :rollback_code, :roles => [:app, :db, :web] do if releases.length < 2 raise "could not rollback the code because there is no prior release" else run <<-CMD /opt/csw/bin/gln -nfs #{previous_release} #{current_path} && rm -rf #{current_release} CMD end end