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wireless linux scan Access point and connect

// description of your code here

$ iwlist scan
$ iwconfig eth1 ESSID <MY_ESSID> mode Managed channel <MY_CHANNEL>

Channels and ESSID can be listed by issuing the command "iwlist scan".

Create a virtual CD/DVD using an image on Linux

On Linux, if you have an ISO file and need to create a virtual CD/DVD, just run the command below.

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/directory/filename.iso

mount -o loop /directory/filename.iso /mountpoint/

Remove CVS directoires and files

When check out the files, use
cvs export

instead of
cvs checkout

can avoid creating those CVS directories

If files already exist, then in bash, do
find . -name CVS -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;
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