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Hack for Expression Engine for file attachments

// description of your code here

Hm- not out of the box.  There may be a plugin/extension floating around for it.  I’ve hacked it- was pretty easy.  The core email class already has the code you need for attaching files.  So you pretty much just have to modify the file- around 207 I changed the content type:
$data['enctype']                 = 'multipart/form-data';

Around 530 I added an array of uploaded files:
// hack for uploads
        $att = array();

        if (isset($_FILES) AND (count($_FILES) > 0))
            $att_ret = $this->upload_file();
            foreach ($att_ret as $key=> $val)
            $att[] = '/home/whatever/mail_attach/'.$val['name'];

Around 865 you need to tie the attached files to the email:
// hack for attachments
        if (count($att) > 0)
        foreach($att as $val)

After the emails are sent, I deleted the files:
// hack- delete the attached files from server
        if (isset($att) AND count($att) > 0)
            foreach ($att as $val)

Then you need to add a function to handle the actual uploading- it’s easy because you can use the upload class- I think I modeled it after the file upload module because I needed to be able to upload multiple files.  Anyway- this part is a bit dangerous as you’re letting any idiot upload stuff.  So watch that you keep things as secure as possible- be sure everything is gettingscrubbed down’ and such. 

JavaScript Roll Overs

// JavaScript roll overs

<script type="text/javascript">


// html code
<a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image1','','2.png',1)"><img src="1.png" name="Image1" width="155" height="71" border="0" id="Image1" />a>
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