Net::HTTP with timeout support http and https and basic auth
This takes a username, password, url and optional time out
require 'net/http' require 'net/https' #Usage: username pass urlStr time_out # urlStr = 'http://localhost:3000/cron/cron' username = "badname" pass = "badpass" time_out = 60 if ARGV[3] != nil time_out = ARGV[3].to_i end if ARGV[2] != nil urlStr = ARGV[2] end if ARGV[1] != nil and ARGV[0] != nil username = ARGV[0] pass = ARGV[1] end puts urlStr + " user: "+username url = URI.parse(urlStr) use_ssl = url.scheme == 'https' req = url.path req.basic_auth username, pass http =, url.port) http.read_timeout=time_out if use_ssl http.use_ssl = true end res = http.start { |web| web.request(req) } puts res.body