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Mark James Adams

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Change OS X font smoothing in one application

E.g, Light font smoothing style in Textmate.

$ defaults write com.macromates.textmate AppleFontSmoothing -int 1

Refresh rate in Vienna

Change the default refresh rate in seconds for the Vienna RSS reader to whatever you want. Anything less than 1800 seconds might be considered bad netiquette, but it's useful if you're only subscribed to internal feeds (e.g., activeCollab, Connector).

defaults write CheckFrequencyInSeconds 60

load/unload postgres (via ports) launch deamon

Enable or disable the automatic launch of the postgresql server installed via macports. Starts or stops the daemon and modifies the launchd manifest.

launchctl load -w /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.darwinports.postgresql81-server/org.darwinports.postgresql81-server.plist

launchctl unload -w /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.darwinports.postgresql81-server/org.darwinports.postgresql81-server.plist

shell/vim .rc's for Japanese support (UTF-8)

Get Japanese (and other multibyte, ascii-unfriendly languages) working in the Terminal.

.inputrc (bash)
set convert-meta off
set meta-flag on
set output-meta on

.cshrc (tcsh)
set dspmbyte=utf8

:set enc=utf-8
:set fenc=utf-8

And don't forget 'ls -w' or 'ls -v' to display files and directories.

Preferences: Uncheck 'Emulation > Escape non-ASCII characters';

More at Apple Support - Topic: Displaying foreign characters in the Terminal command line.
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