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Matteo Vaccari

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Turn off (mostly) useless apache modules

When I first ported my old Php app to Textdrive, I got all manners of weird errors. Many of these were from weird Apache modules that are enabled by default here.

My solution was to turn off most of these things in my .htaccess file. Here it goes:

# let Apache recognize the ".php" extension
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
DefaultType application/x-httpd-php

# make php use this very uncool default charset I had been using for years
php_value default_charset iso-8859-1

# make php define old style global variables
php_flag register_long_arrays On

# stop Apache from spewing "Charset: utf-8"
AddDefaultCharset Off

# stop Apache from silently mangling urls
CheckSpelling Off

# stop Apache from denying perfectly legitimate requests
SecFilterEngine Off
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