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Liam Clancy

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Zero data on a Linux disk

For use with VMWare when you don't run an X server:
cat /dev/zero > zero.dat ; sync ; sleep 1 ; sync ; rm -f zero.dat

Enable svn+ssh remote logins

Installing Subversion for local use is general an easy install, but allowing remote access to your svn repository over SSH can be problomatic dependent upon your OS and the means taken to install.

For Darwinports and Fink on OS X the install location has to be added to users $PATHs, but there are extra steps outlined here for use of the svn+ssh means of access:

A much easier alternate is to sym link the svn binaries to a place on the default PATH (used by the SSH login):

#For Darwinports
ln -s /opt/local/bin/sv* /usr/bin/

#For Fink
ln -s /sw/bin/sv* /usr/bin/

This links all the binaries at once.

Stop bell/beep in bash

setterm -blength 0

Sets the bell length to zero for all applications

Get packet information on OS X

ipconfig getpacket en0

According to the manual page for ipconfig, this command appears to be unique to Mac OS X.

The command will display a bunch of useful info, including:

server_identifier (ip): That's your DHCP server's IP address.
yiaddr: Your machine's IP address.
chaddr: Your machine's MAC address.
domain_name_server: Your domain name server(s).

Find and change a users uid

Most useful for providing a consistent uid on machines accessing an NFS mount:

$ sudo find . -xdev -user <old-uid> -print -exec chown <new-uid> {} \;
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