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Nick Trew

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Character Entities

// Encode a string into character entities (useful for anti-spam email links).

function encode_str ($input)
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($input); $i++) {
         $output .= "&#".ord($input[$i]).';';
    $output = htmlspecialchars($output);
    return $output;

String Hashing

// Create a strong string hash - suitable for use as a password.

function hash ($input)
    $salt   = 'SOME_RANDOM_STRING_HERE';
    $result = sha1(md5($input.$salt).$salt);
    return $result;

Random String Generator

// Generate a random-length string

// Pass $size as a KB value - see the PHP filesize() function.
function fsformat ($size)
    if ($size < 1024)
        return $size.'KB';
    else if ($size >= 1024 && $size < 1048576)
        return round(($size/1024), 0).'MB';
    else if ($size >= 1048576 && $size < 1073741824)
        return round(($size/1048576), 0).'GB';
    else if ($size >= 1073741824 && $size < 1099511627776)
        return round(($size/1073741824), 0).'TB';
        return 'Error';
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