Example crontab using delay script
# Delay the startup of my daemon processes. The start_after_delay
# script is a Ruby script which will Kernel.sleep the given time
# (plus a random 10% extra) before executing the given command
@reboot /home/mmower/bin/start_after_delay 45m /usr/local/bin/ruby /home/mmower/domains/metavalues.com/apps
/instiki-0.10.2 --port nnnn --storage /home/mmower/domains/metavalues.com/apps/instiki-0.10.2/storage
@reboot /home/mmower/bin/start_after_delay 45m /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -f /home/mmower/lighttpd/lighttpd.c
# Delay the startup of my daemon processes. The start_after_delay
# script is a Ruby script which will Kernel.sleep the given time
# (plus a random 10% extra) before executing the given command
@reboot /home/mmower/bin/start_after_delay 45m /usr/local/bin/ruby /home/mmower/domains/metavalues.com/apps
/instiki-0.10.2 --port nnnn --storage /home/mmower/domains/metavalues.com/apps/instiki-0.10.2/storage
@reboot /home/mmower/bin/start_after_delay 45m /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -f /home/mmower/lighttpd/lighttpd.c