technorati multi-word tagging bookmarklet : my custom modification
// Replace BLOGNAME with your own blog name. If input is "javascript, text snippets, code" without quotes, output is "Tags: t javascript, t text snippets, t code, t BLOGNAME" with appropriate technorati tag links. span class is tectag. To find posts tagged javascript and code in your Blogger blog, search for ("t javascript" AND "t code") without paranthesis from the Blogger search box at the top, or search for (tag:javascript tag:code) from Technorati.
// This is a compressed and modified version of the bookmarklet code at
// This is a compressed and modified version of the bookmarklet code at
javascript:( function(){ var a=' Tags: '; var t=prompt('enter:','')+', BLOGNAME'; var tr=t.split(','); for(var i=0;i<tr.length;i++){ if(i>0){a+=', ';} tr[i]=tr[i].replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,''); a+='t '+tr[i].replace(/\s/g,'+')+'\" rel=\"tag\">'+tr[i]+''; } prompt('copy:',a+''); } )()