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Allan White

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Site map, based on sections (e.g. weblogs) and categories

This will generate a site map using nested lists and h3 & h4 tags. Fairly rough, but serviceable.

{exp:query sql="SELECT blog_name, blog_title, blog_description FROM exp_weblogs"}
<h3><a href="{path={blog_name}}" title="{blog_description}">{blog_title}a></h3>
{exp:weblog:category_archive weblog="{blog_name} "style="nested" orderby="title"}
 {categories}<h4 id="{category_id}"><a href="{path={blog_name}/articles}" title="{category_description}">{category_name}a></h4>{/categories}

Using FlashObject and the miniFLV player to play videos from an entry

Ideally, at some point, I'll modify the plug-in for EE that shows Flash objects to use flashobject.js.

This code assumes custom fields in the blog.


Online Example.

{if project_video}
{if project_video_title}<h4>{project_video_title}: Video Cliph4>{/if}

<div id="videoClip">
<p style="margin: 10px 0; padding: 10px; border: 3px solid red;"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Get Flash Player"><img src="" alt="Get Flash Player" height="31" width="88" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px">a>Flash 7 or above and JavaScript are required to view the project video clip. Please download the //" target="_blank" title="Get Flash Player">latest Flash plug-in.

{if project_video_alt}


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