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Winton Welsh

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Update Title

// simple function to update a page's title

updateTitle: function(title) { document.title = title; }


// a stupid function that gets a node's HTML, including the node itself

getHTML: function(node) {
  var div = document.createElement('DIV');
  return div.innerHTML;


// moves upward in the tree until an ID or class name is found, returns element

childOfID: function(element, id, isClass) {
  element = $(element);
  do {
    if (isClass && element.hasClassName(id)) return element; 
    if (!isClass && == id) return element;
  } while (element = $(element.parentNode));
  return false;

Attach Elements

// takes this.el and copies it to this.elements, replacing CSS selector with DOM object(s)

attachElement: function(p) {
  this.el[p] = $$(this.elements[p]);
  if (this.el[p].length == 1) this.el[p] = this.el[p][0];
attachElements: function() {
  this.el = {};
  for (x in this.elements) this.attachElement(x);
clearElements: function() {
  for (x in this.el) this.el[x] = null;
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