Создание значения для поля перед сохранением объекта в базу
before_create :generate_smthng def generate_smthng @attributes['smthng'] = "smthng" end
TextSnippets > xtrim > activerecord
2581 users tagging and storing useful source code snippets
Snippets is a public source code repository. Easily build up your personal collection of code snippets, categorize them with tags / keywords, and share them with the world (or not, you can keep them private!)
before_create :generate_smthng def generate_smthng @attributes['smthng'] = "smthng" end
arount_filter ScopeAccess::Filter.new(Secret,:mine) def mine {:find=>{:conditions=>["user_id=?",1]}, :create=>{:user_id=>1}} end def index @secrets=Secret.find(:all) end def new secret = Secret.create(:name=>rand(10000)) if (secret.new_record?) flash[:notice] = "Could not create Secret" end redirect_to :action=>"index" end