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make mongrel cleanup stale pidfiles

users of monitoring systems may have noticed that mongrel can leave stale PID files behind, which prevents automated monitors from restarting mongrels that have been detected as dead via a port or process check, as mongrel's default behaviour is to exit upon the detection of a pre-existing PID file, whether there is in fact a process of that id running or not.

a fix, in /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-x.x.x/bin/mongrel_rails:

if File.exist? defaults[:pid_file]
# mongrels that crash can leave stale PID files behind, and these
# should not stop mongrel from being restarted by monitors...
pid =[:pid_file]).readline
unless `ps -ef | grep #{pid} | grep -v grep`.length > 0
# use "ps ax" for freebsd
log "!!! PID file #{defaults[:pid_file]} exists, but is stale, and will be deleted so that this mongrel can run."
log "!!! PID file #{defaults[:pid_file]} already exists and the process id referred to in it is running. This mongrel is probably already running. #{defaults[:log_file]} for errors. EXITING."
exit 1

there is a call to at_exit in mongrel, which should be cleaning these files up.. but is not.
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