License: The MIT License, Copyright (c) 2007 jv
Description: search the web from the command line; an example of using cmdparser
Platform: Mac OS X 10.4.11
Requirements: set the character set encoding of to UTF-8; sudo port install libidn (after installing MacPorts)
ws -h ws daily quote ws -y -p "daily news" sports football ws -gm California ws -p "wildlife vacation" India travel visit tiger leopard ws -t 'Australia holiday vacation ocean desert' ws -w -p "keep it simple" ws -wp -p "keep it simple" ws -w -t Africa wildlife echo "Canada wildlife" | ws -y -w -
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin sudo touch /usr/local/bin/ws sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/ws sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local /usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin/ws sudo nano /usr/local/bin/ws
# $ sudo cat /usr/local/bin/ws #!/bin/bash OPATH=$PATH export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin OIFS=$IFS export IFS=$' \t\n' declare search="" sed="/usr/bin/sed" open="/usr/bin/open" grep="/usr/bin/grep" exec 2>/dev/console # write stderr to console.log in /Library/Logs/Console/ # URL encoding # convert special (UTF-8 encoded) input characters into hexadecimal URL-encoding form # For further conversions see: # (HTML URL-encoding Reference) # # function url_encoding() { echo -e "$('s/%/%25/g' -e 's/ /%20/g' -e 's/"/%22/g' -e 's/#/%23/g' \ -e 's/&/%26/g' -e 's/%3C/g' -e 's/>/%3E/g' -e 's/{/%7B/g' -e 's/}/%7D/g' -e 's/\|/%7C/g' \ -e 's/\\/%5C/g' -e 's/\^/%5E/g' -e 's/\~/%7E/g' -e 's/\[/%5B/g' -e 's/\]/%5D/g' -e 's/\`/%60/g' \ -e s/$'\342\202\254'/%80/g -e s/$'\303\274'/%FC/g -e s/$'\302\243'/%A3/g -e s/$'\303\266'/%F6/g \ -e s/$'\303\251'/%E9/g -e s/$'\303\244'/%E4/g -e s/$'\303\204'/%C4/g -e s/$'\303\226'/%D6/g \ -e s/$'\303\234'/%DC/g -e s/$'\303\237'/%DF/g -e s/$'\303\240'/%E0/g -e s/$'\303\241'/%E1/g \ -e s/$'\303\242'/%E2/g -e s/$'\303\247'/%E7/g -e s/$'\303\250'/%E8/g -e s/$'\303\252'/%EA/g \ -e s/$'\303\253'/%EB/g -e s/$'\303\254'/%EC/g -e s/$'\303\255'/%ED/g -e s/$'\303\256'/%EE/g \ -e s/$'\303\257'/%EF/g -e s/$'\303\200'/%C0/g -e s/$'\303\201'/%C1/g -e s/$'\303\202'/%C2/g \ -e s/$'\303\207'/%C7/g -e s/$'\303\210'/%C8/g -e s/$'\303\211'/%C9/g -e s/$'\303\212'/%CA/g \ -e s/$'\303\213'/%CB/g -e s/$'\303\214'/%CC/g -e s/$'\303\215'/%CD/g -e s/$'\303\216'/%CE/g \ -e s/$'\303\217'/%CF/g -e s/$'\303\277'/%BF/g -e s/$'\303\203'/%C3/g -e s/$'\303\205'/%C5/g \ -e s/$'\303\206'/%C6/g -e s/$'\303\220'/%D0/g -e s/$'\303\221'/%D1/g -e s/$'\303\245'/%E5/g \ -e s/$'\303\246'/%E6/g -e s/$'\303\261'/%F1/g -e s/$'\303\262'/%F2/g -e s/$'\303\263'/%F3/g \ -e s/$'\303\264'/%F4/g -e s/$'\303\265'/%F5/g -e s/$'\303\267'/%F7/g -e s/$'\303\270'/%F8/g \ -e s/$'\303\271'/%F9/g -e s/$'\303\272'/%FA/g -e s/$'\303\273'/%FB/g -e s/$'\303\275'/%FD/g \ -e s/$'\303\276'/%FE/g -e s/$'\303\277'/%FF/g -e s/$'\303\235'/%DD/g -e s/$'\303\236'/%DE/g \ -e s/$'\305\241'/%9A/g -e s/$'\305\223'/%9C/g -e s/$'\305\276'/%9E/g -e s/$'\305\270'/%9F/g \ -e s/$'\302\265'/%B5/g -e s/$'\305\275'/%8E/g -e s/$'\305\240'/%8C/g -e s/$'\302\241'/%A1/g \ -e s/$'\302\242'/%A2/g -e s/$'\302\245'/%A5/g -e s/$'\303\243'/%E3/g -e s/$'\303\260'/%F0/g \ -e s/$'\303\222'/%D2/g -e s/$'\303\223'/%D3/g -e s/$'\303\224'/%D4/g -e s/$'\303\225'/%D5/g \ -e s/$'\303\230'/%D8/g -e s/$'\303\223'/%D9/g -e s/$'\303\232'/%DA/g -e s/$'\303\233'/%DB/g } # check if character set encoding of is set to UTF-8 if [[ "$(/usr/bin/defaults read StringEncoding)" != "4" ]]; then echo " does not use UTF-8 character set encoding!" exit 1 fi # check if libidn is available (optional here; see the same libidn check below) # # # #if [[ ! -e "/opt/local/bin/idn" ]]; then # echo $'You do not have libidn installed at: /opt/local/bin/idn\nPlease install it via MacPorts!\nSee:' # exit 1 #fi ################################################# BEGINNING OF CMDPARSER # define the names of flags as a regular expression # flags are command line options that require arguments # p: phrase # t: terms # w: website flags="(p|t|w)" # define the names of switches as a regular expression # switches are command line options that do not take arguments # make sure multi-char switches precede single-char switches in the regular expression # note that the regular expression contains neither the special read-from-stdin switch "-" nor the special end-of-options switch "--" # gm: Google Maps # h: help # wp: Wikipedia # y: Yahoo switches="(gm|wp|h|y)" names_of_switches="gm h wp y" usage="usage: $(/usr/bin/basename "$0") [-h] [-y] [-gm] [-wp] [-p \"a phrase\"] [-w website ] [-t term] [term1 term2 ...]" declare p s t # flags declare -i gm=0 h=0 wp=0 y=0 # switches declare optstr flagvar argvar argvar_escaped pipedstr piped declare -i optid pipedvar pipedvar2 # piped="piped" will be used for variable creation # example: piped="piped"; piped2="piped"; pipedstr="piped arg"; eval $piped='"$(echo "$pipedstr")"'; echo "$piped" piped="piped" # default value is set to "no pipe" pipedvar=0 pipedvar2=0 # if /dev/stdin has a size greater than zero ... if [[ -s /dev/stdin ]]; then pipedstr="$("; else pipedstr=""; fi if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && [[ -z "$pipedstr" ]]; then echo "No arguments specified!" echo "$usage" exit 1 fi if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && [[ -n "$pipedstr" ]]; then eval $piped='"$(echo "$pipedstr")"' pipedvar=1 pipedvar2=1 fi # if there are command line arguments ... if [[ $pipedvar -eq 0 ]] ; then optstr=" " optid=0 while [[ -n "$optstr" ]]; do optstr="$(echo "$1" | $grep -E "^\-\-?$flags$")" if [[ -n "$optstr" ]]; then optid=1; fi if [[ -z "$optstr" ]]; then optid=2; optstr="$(echo "$1" | $grep -E "^\-\-?$switches$")"; fi if [[ -z "$optstr" ]]; then optid=3; optstr="$(echo "$1" | $grep -E "^\-\-?$switches+$")"; fi if [[ -z "$optstr" ]]; then optid=4; optstr="$(echo "$1" | $grep -E "^(\-\-?$flags\=.*|\-\-?$flags[^ ]+)$")"; fi if [[ -z "$optstr" ]]; then if [[ "$1" = "-" ]] && [[ "$@" = "-" ]]; then optid=5 optstr="-" fi fi if [[ -z "$optstr" ]] && ( [[ -n "$(echo "$@" | $grep -Eo "(^ *| )\-\-?$flags" )" ]] || [[ -n "$(echo "$@" | $grep -Eo "(^ *| )\-\-?$switches" )" ]] ); then optstr="$(echo $1)" echo "illegal option removed: $optstr" shift continue #optstr=" " #echo "$usage" #exit 1 fi if [[ "$1" = "--" ]]; then shift; break; fi # -- marks end of options if [[ -z "$optstr" ]]; then break; fi # flag followed by space (example: -f file) if [[ $optid -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then echo; echo "flag \"$1\" removed: no argument given!" shift if [[ -n "$(echo "$@")" ]]; then shift; continue; else shift; break; fi #echo "$usage" #exit 1 fi # make sure flag $1 is not directly followed by yet another flag or switch if [[ "$2" = "-" ]] || [[ "$2" = "--" ]] || [[ -n "$(echo "$2" | $grep -E "^\-\-?$flags.*$" )" ]] || [[ -n "$(echo "$2" | $grep -E "^\-\-?$switches+$" )" ]]; then echo; echo "flag \"$1\" removed because of illegal argument: \"$2\"" shift continue #echo "$usage" #exit 1 fi flagvar="$(/bin/expr "$1" : "^\-\{1,2\}\(.*\)$")" argvar="$2" eval $flagvar='"$(echo "$argvar")"' shift 2 continue # single switch (example: -a) elif [[ $optid -eq 2 ]]; then flagvar="$(/bin/expr "$1" : "^\-\{1,2\}\(.*\)$")" eval $flagvar='"$(echo "1")"' shift continue # combined switch (example: -abcc) elif [[ $optid -eq 3 ]]; then flagvar="$(/bin/expr "$1" : "^\-\{1,2\}\(.*\)$")" while [[ -n "$flagvar" ]]; do char="$(echo "$flagvar" | $sed -E "s/^$switches.*$/\1/")" eval $char='"$(echo "1")"' flagvar="$(echo "$flagvar" | $sed -E "s/^$switches//")" done shift continue # flag without following space (example: -ffile) elif [[ $optid -eq 4 ]]; then argvar="$(echo "$1" | $sed -E "s/^\-\-?$flags\=?//")" argvar_escaped="$(echo "$argvar" | $sed -E 's/([^[:alnum:]])/\\\1/g')" # escape special regex metacharacters such as ., ?, * #argvar_escaped="$(echo "$argvar" | $sed -E 's/([[:punct:]])/\\\1/g')" #echo "argvar_escaped: $argvar_escaped" flagvar="$(echo "$1" | $sed -E -e 's/^-\-?//' -e "s/\=?$argvar_escaped$//")" eval $flagvar='"$(echo "$argvar")"' shift continue # the special read-from-stdin switch "-" elif [[ $optid -eq 5 ]]; then pipedvar=1 eval $piped='"$(echo "$pipedstr")"' shift break fi shift done fi # if [[ $pipedvar -eq 0 ]] ; then ... ################################################# END OF CMDPARSER if [[ $h -eq 1 ]]; then # help message echo "$usage" /bin/cat <<-EOF Examples: ws -h ws daily quote ws -y -p "daily news" sports football ws -gm California ws -p "wildlife vacation" India travel visit tiger leopard ws -t 'Australia holiday vacation ocean desert' ws -w -p "keep it simple" ws -wp -p "keep it simple" ws -w -t Africa wildlife echo "Canada wildlife" | ws -y -w - EOF exit 0 fi # store the contents of $@ in $search if [[ -n "$@" ]]; then search="$@"; fi # if there is piped data, $search is set to $pipedstr if [[ $pipedvar -eq 1 ]]; then search="$piped"; fi # if there is piped data without any further flags or switches specified, we just do a Google if [[ $pipedvar2 -eq 1 ]]; then F="$(echo "$search" | url_encoding)" $open "$F" exit 0 fi # to open the given URL directly we will store the original URL given by the -w switch in $ow for processing with libidn below declare ow # remove http:// and encode URL if [[ -n "$w" ]]; then w="$(echo "$w" | $sed -E 's/^( *http:\/\/ *)(.*)$/\2/' )"; ow=$w; w="$(echo "$w" | url_encoding)"; fi # If only the -p and/or -t flag is specified or no flags & switches are specified at all we just do a Google. # If the remaining string stored in $search (which has been $@ above) is not empty and the -p and/or -t flags are specified, # the remaining string will be added to the search term(s) or phrase as additional search term(s). if [[ -z "$w" ]] && [[ $y -eq 0 ]] && [[ $gm -eq 0 ]] && [[ $wp -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ -n "$t" ]] && [[ -n "$p" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then t="$t $search"; fi # strings in $search will be added as search terms F1="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" # example: ws -p "a phrase" -t "a term" term1 term2 ... F2="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F2="$str$F2$str" F="$F2%20$F1" $open "$F" exit 0 elif [[ -n "$p" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then # strings in $search will be added as search terms t="$search" F1="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" F2="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F2="$str$F2$str" F="$F2%20$F1" $open "$F" exit 0 else F="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F="$str$F$str" $open "$F" exit 0 fi elif [[ -n "$t" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then t="$t $search"; fi # strings in $search will be added as search terms F="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" $open "$F" exit 0 else if [[ -z "$search" ]]; then $open ""; exit 0; fi # just open the given URL F="$(echo "$search" | url_encoding)" $open "$F" exit 0 fi fi # search a website specified by the -w switch (example: ws -w ...) if [[ -n "$w" ]] && [[ $y -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ -n "$t" ]] && [[ -n "$p" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then t="$t $search"; fi F1="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" F2="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F2="$str$F2$str" F="$F2%20$F1" $open "$w%20$F" exit 0 elif [[ -n "$p" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then # strings in $search will be added as search terms t="$search" F1="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" F2="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F2="$str$F2$str" F="$F2%20$F1" $open "$w%20$F" exit 0 else F="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F="$str$F$str" $open "$w%20$F" exit 0 fi elif [[ -n "$t" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then t="$t $search"; fi F="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" $open "$w%20$F" exit 0 else # if there are no search terms given at all, just open the original URL stored in $ow if [[ -z "$search" ]]; then # check if libidn is available if [[ ! -e "/opt/local/bin/idn" ]]; then echo $'You do not have libidn installed at: /opt/local/bin/idn\nPlease install it via MacPorts!\nSee:' exit 1 fi w="$(echo "$ow" | CHARSET=UTF-8 idn --quiet)" $open "http://$w" exit 0 fi F="$(echo "$search" | url_encoding)" $open "$w%20$F" exit 0 fi fi # Wikipedia if [[ $wp -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -n "$t" ]] && [[ -n "$p" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then t="$t $search"; fi F1="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" F2="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F2="$str$F2$str" F="$F2%20$F1" $open "$F&=MediaWiki+search&fulltext=Search" exit 0 elif [[ -n "$p" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then t="$search" # set $t to $search since $t is empty F1="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" F2="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F2="$str$F2$str" F="$F2%20$F1" $open "$F&=MediaWiki+search&fulltext=Search" exit 0 else F="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F="$str$F$str" $open "$F&=MediaWiki+search&fulltext=Search" exit 0 fi elif [[ -n "$t" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then t="$t $search"; fi F="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" $open "$F&=MediaWiki+search&fulltext=Search" exit 0 else if [[ -z "$search" ]]; then $open ""; exit 0; fi # just open the given URL F="$(echo "$search" | url_encoding)" $open "$F&=MediaWiki+search&fulltext=Search" exit 0 fi fi # if [[ $y -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -n "$w" ]]; then # if a website is specified ... str="$search" if [[ -n "$p" ]]; then str="$str $p"; fi if [[ -n "$t" ]]; then str="$str $t"; fi F="$(echo "$str" | url_encoding)" $open "$w%20$F" elif [[ -n "$t" ]] && [[ -n "$p" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then t="$t $search"; fi F1="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" F2="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F2="$str$F2$str" F="$F2%20$F1" $open "$F" exit 0 elif [[ -n "$p" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then t="$search" # set $t to $search since $t is empty F1="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" F2="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F2="$str$F2$str" F="$F2%20$F1" $open "$F" exit 0 else F="$(echo "$p" | url_encoding)" str='%22' F="$str$F$str" $open "$F" exit 0 fi elif [[ -n "$t" ]]; then if [[ -n "$search" ]]; then t="$t $search"; fi F="$(echo "$t" | url_encoding)" $open "$F" exit 0 else if [[ -z "$search" ]]; then $open ""; exit 0; fi # just open the given URL F="$(echo "$search" | url_encoding)" $open "$F" exit 0 fi fi # Google maps if [[ $gm -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -z "$search" ]] && [[ -n "$p" ]] && [[ -n "$t" ]]; then $open ""; exit 0; fi # just open the given URL str="$search" if [[ -n "$p" ]]; then str="$str $p"; fi if [[ -n "$t" ]]; then str="$str $t"; fi F="$(echo "$str" | url_encoding)" $open "$F" exit 0 fi export IFS=$OIFS export PATH=$OPATH exit 0