Compressing a directory with rar on Linux
rar a -m5 -R output.rar /etc/
This will create a max compression (not taking into account dictionary sizes and the like) archive of the entire etc directory.
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rar a -m5 -R output.rar /etc/
attachEvent: function(selector) { var sel = selector.split(':'); var el = this.el[sel[0]]; var ev = sel[1]; if (!el) return; if (!el.each) Event.observe(el, ev,[selector]); else el.each( function(item, index) { Event.observe(item, ev,[selector]); }.bind(this)); }, attachEvents: function() { for (property in this.attachEvent(property); }, removeEvent: function(selector) { var sel = selector.split(':'); var el = this.el[sel[0]]; var ev = sel[1]; if (!el) return; if (!el.each) Event.stopObserving(el, ev,[selector]); else el.each(function(item, index) { Event.stopObserving(item, ev,[selector]); }.bind(this)); }, removeEvents: function() { for (x in this.removeEvent(x); }
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