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backup multiple mysql databases and email results

// remember to check that the path is correct.
// This is running on a dedicated server on TextDrive


# This file will run a backup of your desired MySQL database and
# remove any backups older than 7 days.
# If youOd like to preserve backups for longer than a week, like say 
# 2 weeks, then set the '-mtime' value from '+7' to '+14'.

TIME_STAMP=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
echo "starting "$0" on" `date`
for db in db1 db2 db3
  echo ${DB_STAMP}
  /opt/csw/mysql5/bin/mysqldump --opt --skip-add-locks --user=username --password=password ${db} | gzip > /domains/backups/mysql/${DB_STAMP}.gz
  /opt/csw/bin/mutt -s "mysql  ${TIME_STAMP}"  -a /domains/backups/mysql/${DB_STAMP}.gz someuser@somedomain.com dev/null

cd /domains/backups/mysql/

/usr/bin/find *.gz -mtime +14 -exec rm {} \;
echo "finished "$0" on" `date`

My path to Instiki startup

/usr/local/bin/ruby /home/madams/instiki/instiki.rb --port 2544 --daemon 

Daily MySQL backups on Textdrive, rotated weekly

This cron job will create a compressed backup of all the mysql databases under your account. The backup will be stored as "\daily-backup\Mon.gz" - and so forth, one for each day of the week. In this way you will have rotating backups going back seven days.

First, create the "daily-backup" folder under your home directory.

Go into the System - Cron Jobs section in webmin and paste this in as a new cron job (all one line)

/usr/local/bin/mysqldump --skip-opt -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD --quote-names --complete-insert --extended-insert --quick --compact --lock-tables=false --skip-add-locks --all-databases | gzip > /home/USERNAME/daily-backup/sql-alldb-`date "+%a"`.gz 

Make sure to replace the USERNAME and PASSWORD with your own info.

You can set it up to run on any kind of daily schedule; I have it set to run daily at an early-morning time that I picked randomly.

CRON and MySQL database backup, gzipped

/usr/local/bin/mysqldump --default-character-set=utf8 --user=username --password=password --quote-names --complete-insert --extended-insert --quick --compact --lock-tables=false --skip-add-locks --all-databases | gzip > /home/path/backup/`date "+%Y.%m.%d"`.gz

My path to instiki startup

/usr/local/bin/ruby /home/rsimplicio/web/instiki/instiki.rb --daemon --port 8966 --storage /home/rsimplicio/web/instiki/storage/

Setting up a php-script to run as a cron-job

To run a php-script as a regular job, you need just point to the php-cli instance with the path to your script:

/usr/local/bin/php /home/username/public_html/scripts/your_script.php

Thanks to Jason for original tip @ http://forum.textdrive.com/viewtopic.php?id=863
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