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A "interesant" layout

border:1px solid #8E221B;
margin:0 auto;
html > body div.container{

This css code explands de "container" div. It simulates old table layouts with 100% height.

Reset margins to help with layout

Throw this at the top of your first CSS rules, and you should have a few less headaches with layouts.

margin: 0;
padding: 0;

Note: You have to then add margins/padding to *every* element that needs it (p, dl, ul, etc), otherwise things will look a little odd.

Master CSS file for smart hack management

Using various hack management techniques publicized by Doug Bowman and Molly Holzschlag, this is the default stylesheet I to in the head of my markup:

        [CLIENT] screen master
@import url("core.css");

/* Import WinIEx-only bugs - hide from Mac IE5 \*/
@import url("");
/* END hide from Mac IE5 */

/*       Import Win IE5x hacks

@media tty {
        i{content:"\";/*" "*/}} @import ''; /*";}
}/* */

/*       Import Mac IE5 hacks

@import url("hacks.mac.ie5.css");

The core.css file contains my pure, "hack free" CSS. The other files referenced above contain any and all browser-specific hackery required to make IElesser browsers behave properly.

Feed different CSS rules to IE5.0, 5.5 and 6.0

Sometimes you just have to resort to the hacks; this bit of code will let you feed three separate values for the same property to each of the three common flavors of IE on Windows:

* html whatevertherestofyourselectorwouldbe {
property/**/: value;
property: /**/ value;
p\roperty: value;

The first value will be applied by IE5.5, the second by IE5.0 and the third by IE6.0. The order is important; mix them up and it won't work. The "* html" on the selector ensures that only IE on Windows will see any of the values (since it mistakenly thinks there's a higher root element above html).

This was constructed from the table of CSS hacks at dithered.
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