Simple Test if Site is online
// test if sites are online by title validation
// if the title can change, test can validate occurance of a phrase instead
// if the title can change, test can validate occurance of a phrase instead
require 'rwebunit' # ruby web test based on watir # test if sites are online by title validation # usage: to run this test without visible ie use the -b option # C:\ruby\workspace\ruject1>ruby rwu_site_checker.rb -b class RwuSiteChecker < RWebUnit::WebTestCase # hash with url and title @@sites = { "" => "title number one", "" => "seccond title", "" => "yet another title" } # test for titles def test_titles() log = "testing title \n" @@sites.each { |url, title| getTestContext().base_url=url beginAt("/") assertTitleEquals(title) # to check for phrase: assertTextPresent(phrase) log += url + " ok \n" } puts log end end