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/** * create and maintain metadata for the the events list */ function EventsListMetadataFactory() { this._metadataForView = {}; } EventsListMetadataFactory.prototype._className = "EventsListMetadataFactory"; EventsListMetadataFactory.prototype._metadataForView; EventsListMetadataFactory._instance; EventsListMetadataFactory.GROUPING_BY_CASE_STATUS = "TRACKING_STATE_TYPE_COL"; EventsListMetadataFactory.getInstance = function() { if (!EventsListMetadataFactory._instance) { EventsListMetadataFactory._instance = new EventsListMetadataFactory(); } return EventsListMetadataFactory._instance; } /** * get the metadata */ EventsListMetadataFactory.prototype.getMetadata = function() { // todo: apply caching return this._createMetadata(); } /** * create the metadata */ EventsListMetadataFactory.prototype._createMetadata = function() { var metadata = this._metadata = new VerixTreeMetadata(); var columnsMetadata = getUserView().getViewData().getDisplayData().getColumnsMetadata(); if (columnsMetadata && columnsMetadata.length>0) { for (var i=0; i<columnsMetadata.length; i++) { var columnMetadata = columnsMetadata[i]; metadata.addCol(this.getColMetadataByLogicalName(columnMetadata)); } } else { metadata.addCol(new EventTitleColMetadata()); if (getCommonPropertie("eventsList.showPinColumn")=="true") { metadata.addCol(new EventNodePropertyColMetadata(getNodePropertyManager().getNodePropertyOfMainPin(),false)); } if (getCommonPropertie("eventsList.showDiscoveryNDateColumn")=="true") { metadata.addCol(new EventDiscoveryTimeColMetadata()); } if (getCommonPropertie("eventsList.showStateColumn")=="true") { metadata.addCol(new EventStateColMetadata()); } // handle column highlighting for node properties var highlightedColumns = getCommonPropertyArray("eventsList.highlightedColumns"); var highlightedColumnsMap = {}; if (highlightedColumns) { for (var i = 0; i < highlightedColumns.length; i++) { highlightedColumnsMap[highlightedColumns[i]] = true; } } // add node properties var nodeProperties = getNodePropertyManager().getNodePropertiesByIds(getCommonPropertyArray("eventLists.columns")); for (var i = 0; i < nodeProperties.length; i++) { var nodeProperty = nodeProperties[i]; // decide upon highlighting var isHighlighted = false; if (highlightedColumnsMap[i]) { isHighlighted = true; } // add column metadata.addCol(new EventNodePropertyColMetadata(nodeProperty,isHighlighted)); } if (getCommonPropertie("eventsList.showRelatedEventColumn")=="true") { metadata.addCol(new EventRelatedColMetadata()); } if (isDebug()) { metadata.addCol(new EventTagIconColMetadata()); metadata.addCol(new EventIdColMetadata()); } // add dimensions var dNameKeys = getApplicationCodeTableManager().getKeys("D_NAME"); dNameKeys.sort(function compare(a, b) { return a - b; }); //create map of the required dimensions in regular mode var requiredDimensionMap = {}; var requiredDimensions = getCommonPropertyArray("eventLists.dimensionColumns"); for (var i = 0; i < requiredDimensions.length; i++){ requiredDimensionMap[requiredDimensions[i]] = true; } for (var i = 0; i < dNameKeys.length; i++) { var dimensionId = dNameKeys[i]; if (isDebug() || requiredDimensionMap[dimensionId] != null) { metadata.addCol(new EventDimensionColMetadata(dimensionId)); } } } return metadata; } /** * create the col meta data according to the passed logical name */ EventsListMetadataFactory.prototype.getColMetadataByLogicalName = function(columnMetadata) { var logicalName = columnMetadata.logicalName; var width = columnMetadata.width; var colMetadata = eval("new " + logicalName + "()"); if (width) { colMetadata.setWidth(width) } return colMetadata; }
post :process_checkout, YAML.load(<<-END.gsub(/^\s*\|/, "")).symbolize_keys |--- |card: | number: "4242424242424242" | month: 8 | year: 2010 | first_name: Test | last_name: Customer | type: visa END
stabbed in the face says: hey wanna eat in like 10 mins? oli and rich just went to get food i think theyll meet us up there at some pt Ben says: k, I might pull out a bit early to have a little pow-wow with Mo and Ross though stabbed in the face says: word, yeah i cant waste too much time today either stabbed in the face says: want to put some Qs together for christian
some test code
require 'rwebunit' # ruby web test based on watir # test if sites are online by title validation # usage: to run this test without visible ie use the -b option # C:\ruby\workspace\ruject1>ruby rwu_site_checker.rb -b class RwuSiteChecker < RWebUnit::WebTestCase # hash with url and title @@sites = { "http://www.domain_number_one.de" => "title number one", "http://www.seccond_domain.org" => "seccond title", "http://www.yet_another_domain.com" => "yet another title" } # test for titles def test_titles() log = "testing title \n" @@sites.each { |url, title| getTestContext().base_url=url beginAt("/") assertTitleEquals(title) # to check for phrase: assertTextPresent(phrase) log += url + " ok \n" } puts log end end
def test_creates_entry log_test_name # Rest of your test code goes here # ... end
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment") require 'test_help' module Test::Unit::Assertions def assert_block(message="assert_block failed.") # :yields: _wrap_assertion do if (! yield) logger.debug("\e[0;41mFailure:\e[m #{message}") raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError.new(message.to_s) else logger.debug("\e[0;32mSuccess\e[m") end end end end class Test::Unit::TestCase # Transactional fixtures accelerate your tests by wrapping each test method # in a transaction that's rolled back on completion. This ensures that the # test database remains unchanged so your fixtures don't have to be reloaded # between every test method. Fewer database queries means faster tests. # # Read Mike Clark's excellent walkthrough at # http://clarkware.com/cgi/blosxom/2005/10/24#Rails10FastTesting # # Every Active Record database supports transactions except MyISAM tables # in MySQL. Turn off transactional fixtures in this case; however, if you # don't care one way or the other, switching from MyISAM to InnoDB tables # is recommended. self.use_transactional_fixtures = true # Instantiated fixtures are slow, but give you @david where otherwise you # would need people(:david). If you don't want to migrate your existing # test cases which use the @david style and don't mind the speed hit (each # instantiated fixtures translates to a database query per test method), # then set this back to true. self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false def logger RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER end def log_test_name(test_name=nil) test_name = caller[0].match(/`(test_[a-z_]+)'$/) unless test_name logger.debug "\n\e[1m#{self.class}::\e[0;31m#{test_name}\e[m\n" end end class ActionController::Integration::Session def logger RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER end def log_step_name(step_name=nil) step_name = caller[0].match(/`(test_[a-z_]+)'$/) unless step_name logger.debug "\n\e[1m#{step_name}\e[m" end end