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Display In 2-Column Table

The below can be applied to MT, EE, etc, and will display the content in a 2 column table. The EE tags below are just an example, it will work equally well if you replace it with MT, Wordpress, etc, tags.

{exp:gallery:categories gallery="{gallery_name}"}
";} ?>

Insert other tags here.

";  $set_table="0";} ?>

Use PHP Inside EE Entries

You'll need the following plugins:
Allow EE Code: http://www.pmachine.com/plugins/allow-eecode/
Allow PHP: http://loweblog.com/archive/2005/06/03/ee-allow-php-plugin/

Set text formatting for the field you want to use this on to "None" (Admin > Weblog Administration > Custom Weblog Fields).

Change your template by adding the Allow EE tags around the field:


Now you can use PHP inside your entries like this:

Bla bla regular entry text

{exp:allowphp} echo "This will be processed as PHP."; {/exp:allowphp}

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