// description of your code here
// insert code here..
.msgLnks {display: none;}
.msgwrap {border: 0; display: block; width: 270px; height: 150px; float: left;}
.msgAvNam, .msgAvNam a, .msgTele { color:
.kb_awesome {border: 1px solid
html>body .kb_awesomeHeader {height: 77px; width: 71px; background: url('http://kevburnsjr.com/dropBox/imvu_bulb_2.png') no-repeat top left; margin: 0; position: absolute;}
.kb_clear {margin: 0; padding; 0; border: 0; background: 0;}
html>body .kb_clear {border: 1px solid transparent;}
.kb_sig { border: 1px solid
.kb_sig a {color:
.kb_sig a:hover {color:
<div class="kb_awesomeHeader">
I thought and I thought and I thought, but i just couldn't come up with anything interesting to put in this box. Maybe i need to start brainstorming a little more. Or maybe i just need to start doing more. Maybe i should start a blog or get a life or stop playing computer games.<
<p style="text-indent: 20px;">Whatever, I'm having fun skinning this EGREGIOUSLY customizable interface.
If i want another box, i just make one :)