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Selected items from a multiple select or checkboxes in

My co-worker found this code for that is used to access selected items from check boxes or multiple select boxes. If you've been wondering how to do this, this may help :)

The URL is

// The results of a mulitple-select list are also a NameValueCollection
// and the individual items are accessed like this:
Request.Form.GetValues(i)(j) Modified Preorder Tree Traversal

In order to utilize this, I would recommend reading the article located at (Search google for modified preorder tree traversal). It took me quite some time and some help from a coworker to port this from PHP to :D

Replace the application("sql").query("*") with your SQL code, I was inclined to write my own SQL class to make querying DB's easier, but you can do whatever you want.
record = application("sql").query("select * from categories order by lft asc")
dim output as new arraylist()
dim right as new arraylist()
do while not record.eof
  if right.count > 0
    do while right(right.count - 1) < record("rgt").value
      right.removeAt(right.count - 1)
      if right.count = 0 then exit do
  end if
  response.write(record("name").value & " is " & right.count & " levels deep in the tree..." &

Processing a Native Window Message Inside a Non-visual Class

Say you have a dynamic library and you want to treat a native window message inside any non-visual class in that library.
Derive this class from NativeWindow as shown below. After creating the new class from Class1, you can pass the Handle (like IntPtr) of this class to any native function.

public class Class1: NativeWindow
        CreateParams cp = new CreateParams();

        public Class1()
                // Create the actual window

        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
                if(m.Msg == WM_...)
                        // Do something here in response to messages
                base.WndProc(ref m);

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