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Selecting different parts of a DATETIME with MSSQL

Thanks to this website for the information:

-- The syntax for pulling a certain part of a DATETIME is:
-- CONVERT(date_type[(length)],expression[,style])
-- The available styles are as follows:
-- NULL  Jun 24 2001 9:48PM
-- 1     06/24/01
-- 101   06/24/2001
-- 2     01.06.24
-- 104   24.06.2001
-- 108   21:48:00
-- 112   20010624
-- 121   2001-06-24 21:48:00.000

-- Some example usage:
-- Will output in YYYYMMDD format
SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,client.birthday,101) as birthday
-- Will output in MM/DD/YYYY format

Meta programming in D

Implementing guards in D

import std.stdio;
bool guarded( lazy void cmd, bool delegate()[] guards ...){
  bool lazyOr= false;
  foreach( g; guards) {
    if( lazyOr |= g()) break;
  bool yn= !lazyOr;
  if( yn) cmd();
  return yn;
bool guard( lazy bool exp, lazy void action){
  bool yn= exp;
  if( yn) action();
  return yn;
void main(){
  int i=2;
  guarded( {
      writefln("must i");
      guard( i==0, writefln("null")),
      guard( i==1, writefln("one"))
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