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Recursively remove .svn directories (ruby script)

This snippet traverses a directory tree and removes .svn directories.

require 'find'
require 'fileutils'
Find.find('./') do |path|
  if File.basename(path) == '.svn'
    FileUtils.remove_dir(path, true)

Patch / Diff Hunk Matching Regexp

This is tested in TextMate and I use it to select successive hunks of a patch file in diff -u format.


create a rails app from rails trunk, optionally committing to a subversion repository

I name this script railstrunk on my machine. So, usage would be:

railstrunk app_name

That creates a rails application under app_name.

If app_name is a subversion working copy, rails is set as an external and generated files are committed, and some ignore properties are set.

Here's how I'd go about creating a versioned rails app:

mkdir -p happy_app happy_app/trunk happy_app/tags happy_app/branches 
svn import happy_app http://myserver/myrepos/happy_app -m "Layout for happy_app"
rm -rf happy_app
svn co http://myserver/myrepos/happy_app/trunk happy_app
railstrunk happy_app

$rails_dir is set at the beginning of script, and it should be a path to a working copy of rails trunk on your machine. It's merely used to speed things up, it's not necessary.

Notice I remove the silly public/index.html from the generated app.

And now the code:



if [ $# != 1 ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 app_name"
  echo "Creates a rails application under app_name."
  echo "If app_name is a subversion working copy, rails is set as an external"
  echo "and generated files are committed."
  echo "If $rails_dir exists, things are sped up by either symlinking it"
  echo "(for non-versioned apps) or copying it to the vendor dir."
  echo "$rails_dir should be a rails trunk working copy."

mkdir -p $dir
cd $dir

if [ -n "`ls`" ]; then
  echo "Can't create app: $dir is not empty." >&2
  exit 1

if [ -d $rails_dir ]; then
  if [ "`svn info $rails_dir 2>/dev/null | grep URL:`" != "URL: http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/trunk" ]; then
    echo "$rails_dir is not a rails trunk working copy. Not going to use it." >&2
  elif [ -n "`svn st $rails_dir`" ]; then
    echo "$rails_dir is modified. Not going to use it." >&2

if [ -z "`svn info 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
  mkdir vendor
  if [ -n "$use_rails_dir" ]; then
    ln -s $rails_dir vendor/rails
    cd vendor/rails
    svn up
    cd ../..
    svn co http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/trunk vendor/rails
  ruby vendor/rails/railties/bin/rails .
  rm public/index.html
  svn mkdir vendor
  svn ps svn:externals 'rails http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/trunk' vendor
  svn ci -m 'set rails external to rails trunk'
  [ -n "$use_rails_dir" ] && cp -r $rails_dir vendor/rails
  svn up
  ruby vendor/rails/railties/bin/rails .
  rm public/index.html
  rm log/*
  mv config/database.yml config/database.yml.sample
  svn add . --force
  svn ps svn:ignore '*' tmp/cache tmp/pids tmp/sessions tmp/sockets
  svn ps svn:ignore 'database.yml' config
  svn ps svn:ignore '*.log' log
  svn ci -m "- created rails app
- moved database.yml to database.yml.sample
- deleted public/index.html
- ignored logs and tmp"
  cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml

update a working copy and all externals in parallel

If you have an app in subversion with many externals, it may take a bit too long to update it, as updates happen one after another.

This bit of script updates the app and each external in parallel, making it oh so much faster.


  ( `svn pl -R`.scan(/\S.*'(.*)':\n((?:  .*\n)+)/)\
    .inject({}) { |h, (d, p)| h[d] = p.strip.split(/\s+/); h }\
    .select { |d, ps| ps.include? 'svn:externals' }\
    .map { |xd, ps| [xd, `svn pg svn:externals #{xd}`] }\
    .map { |xd, exts| exts.strip.split(/\s*\n/).map { |l| xd + '/' + l.split(/\s+/).first } }\
    .inject { |a, b| a + b }\
    .map { |d| "cd #{d} && svn up 2>&1" } \
    << 'svn up . --ignore-externals 2>&1'
  .map { |cmd| [cmd, Thread.new { `#{cmd}` }] }\
  .map { |cmd, thread| "#{cmd}\n#{thread.value}" }.join("\n")

(note: if you add an external or change an external property in another way, you'll need to run the standard svn up once)

Make a subversion release

Ruby script to make a release from SVN trunk.

Assumes a repository structure of:


Should be easy enough to modify to suit your needs. Comments welcome :)

Example usage:
vi /usr/local/bin/release (and dump snippet into it)
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/release
cd /path/to/checked-out-trunk


today = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

if `svn info`.to_a[1] !~ /^URL: (.*)\/Trunk$/
        puts "Repository invalid. Must be in Trunk."

repo_url = $1

repo = repo_url.split('/').last

release_url = repo_url + "/Releases"

if `svn ls #{release_url}`.to_a.last =~ /#{today}--(\d+)/
        num = $1.to_i + 1
        num = 1

release = "#{today}--#{num}"

cmd = "svn copy #{repo_url}/Trunk #{release_url}/#{release} -m 'copy #{repo} trunk to release #{release}'"
puts cmd

print "Execute command? "

if gets.chomp.upcase != 'Y'
        puts "Nothing done."

puts "Copied as #{release}."
puts "Execute on the remote machine:"
puts "svn switch #{release_url}/#{release}"

Add all new files to Subversion

Bash script to add all new files to Subversion

for i in `svn st | grep ? | awk -F "      " '{print $2}'`; do svn add $i; done

Bulk svn actions (usefull with rails)

Just run this code from inside your repository. This will do a bulk action like "svn add" on each file marked with the given filter (like '?') when doing "svn status"

Beware: this code might break with multi word filenames...

usage :
# ./svn_bulk ? add ---> this shows a preview of the actions
# ./svn_bulk ? add 1 ---> action !
sign, action, doit = ARGV
sign = '\?' if sign == '?'
list = IO.popen("svn st")
list.each {|i|
if (i =~ /^#{sign}\s*(.*)/) 
cmd = "svn #{action} '"+$1+"'"
print cmd + "\n"
system(cmd) if doit

Svn obliterate (dump filter)

Taken and slightly adapted from www.robgonda.com/blog

svnadmin dump /path/to/repos > proj.dump
cat proj.dump | svndumpfilter exclude somefolder > cleanproj.dump
STOP SVN services
BACKUP /path/to/repos/conf /path/to/repos/hooks (all custom configuration for this repository)
DELETE /path/to/repos
svnadmin create /path/to/repos
RESTORE /path/to/repos/conf /path/to/repos/hooks
svnadmin load /path/to/repos < cleanproj.dump
RESTART SVN services

Deny access to .svn directories with lighttpd

$HTTP["url"] =~ "/\.svn/" {
    url.access-deny = ( "" )

Update All of the SVN Version Controlled Projects in a Directory

I have all of my projects in a directory like ~/PROJECTS. Each day when I come to work, I want to ensure that everything on my workstation is up to date. Rather than cd into each directory and issue "svn update" by hand, I kludged the following shell script together. Comments appreciated.

 for X in `find . -maxdepth 2 -type d -name ".svn" | cut -d / -f 2`; do svn update ./$X; done  

Back up Subversion repositories

Dump all Subversion repositories to a location of your choice. I run this as a backup_script from rsnapshot.

#!/bin/sh -e
# Back up Subversion repositories


# Subversion config

# My config


# Dump repositories

for repos in $SVN_REPOS; do
    svnadmin dump --incremental --deltas --quiet $SVN_DIR/$repos \
        > $BACKUP_DIR/$repos

exit 0

Enable svn+ssh remote logins

Installing Subversion for local use is general an easy install, but allowing remote access to your svn repository over SSH can be problomatic dependent upon your OS and the means taken to install.

For Darwinports and Fink on OS X the install location has to be added to users $PATHs, but there are extra steps outlined here for use of the svn+ssh means of access:


A much easier alternate is to sym link the svn binaries to a place on the default PATH (used by the SSH login):

#For Darwinports
ln -s /opt/local/bin/sv* /usr/bin/

#For Fink
ln -s /sw/bin/sv* /usr/bin/

This links all the binaries at once.

Finding files to be added

svn add `svn st | grep '\?' | tr '\?' ' ' | xargs`

stop creating useless .ds_store files on your non-mac network share


1. Open the Terminal.
2. Type:
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true

3. Press Return.
4. Restart the computer.

now you'll no longer fill the windows file server with annoying .ds_store files. you'll no longer unknowingly commit hundreds of irrelevent .ds_store files to your subversion repository mounted over webdav with auto-versioning. rejoice.

knowning how many commits it actually took you

If you use the same repository for mostly everything, you'll occasionally find it amusing that your brand new project is at r1800 or that that old project not touched since r60 now shares r2385 with everyone else.

Well, amusing != useful, so here's what I use when I'm curious about how many commits a certain project took me:

svn log --stop-on-copy | grep -e "--------" | wc -l

Backing up subversion repositories from a remote machine

# Author: Jacques Marneweck 
# License: http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License v3.0
# http://www.powertrip.co.za/

LOCALVER=`/usr/local/bin/svnlook youngest /home/svn/livejournal`
REMOTEVER=`/usr/bin/ssh jacques@hostname /usr/local/bin/svnlook youngest /home/svn/livejournal`
echo "Local version is ${LOCALVER}"
echo "Remote version is ${REMOTEVER}"

if [ "$REMOTEVER" -gt "$LOCALVER" ];
  echo "Remote version is greater than local version"
  START=$(echo "${LOCALVER} + 1" | /usr/bin/bc -l)
  /usr/bin/ssh jacques@hostname /usr/local/bin/svnadmin dump --incremental --deltas --revision ${START}:${REMOTEVER} /path/to/repo | /usr/local/bin/svnadmin load --ignore-uuid /path/to/repo
  echo "Both local and remote version have the same data"

SVNnotify post-commit hook

For example, the post-commit hook for the repository named "repos"
pacific# cat /home/svn/repos/hooks/post-commit


/usr/local/bin/svnnotify -r $REV -C -d -H HTML::ColorDiff -p $REPOS -t staff@lists.textdrive.com --from jason@textdrive.com --reply-to staff@lists.textdrive.com

Switching a working copy with subversion

If you find that the location to a subversion repository has changed, do this:

svn switch --relocate http://textpattern.com/svn/repos/current/textpattern http://svn.textpattern.com/current/textpattern

Where the old url is http://textpattern.com/svn/repos/current/textpattern

And the new one is http://svn.textpattern.com/current/textpattern

To see if it worked, do this:

svn info | grep URL

And you should see something like this:

URL: http://svn.textpattern.com/current/textpattern

(source: Switching a Working Copy)
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