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Extensible search highlighting in PHP

Based on Dean's original Google Hilite, but refactored a bit to make it easy to add support for more search engines (currently supports some 20-odd major searches).

)([^<]+)?(\b'.$term.'\b)/i', $text)) {
        $matched = "Spoon!";
      } else {
        $mismatched = "Whoops";
      if (!preg_match('/<.+>/',$text)) {
        $text = preg_replace('/(\b'.$term.'\b)/i','$1',$text);  
      } else {
        $text = preg_replace('/(?<=>)([^<]+)?(\b'.$term.'\b)/i','$1$2',$text);
    $query_terms = implode(" ", $query_array);
    $query_terms = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($query_terms));
    //If all terms matched, just tell them you did the highlighting.
    if($matched) {
      //Change this message if you like.
      $message = "

It seems you arrived at this page from a search engine. To help you find " . "what you were looking for, your search terms (\"$query_terms\") should " . "be highlighted with yellow backgrounds, like this.

"; $text = $message . $text; } elseif($mismatched) { //If only some or no terms matched, offer to repeat the search locally. $query = implode("+", $query_array); //Also change this message if you like. $message = "

It seems you arrived at this page from a search engine, but that some " . "or all of the terms you searched for (\"$query_terms\") aren’t in this page. Would you like to " . "try your search again using this site’s built-in search? It might be more accurate.

"; if($matched) { $message .= "

Any of your search terms which do appear in this page " . "should be highlighted with yellow backgrounds, like this.

"; } $text = $message . $text; } } return $text; } ?>

Use Google's API to search your rails site

Culled from various places on the 'net. This lets you use the Google API to do searching on your site. You'll need to get an API key from Google and abide by their usage terms etc. etc.

In search controller...

def search
 require 'soap/wsdlDriver'
 @title = 'Search Results'
 driver = SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory.new("http://api.google.com/GoogleSearch.wsdl").createDriver
 @results = driver.doGoogleSearch(key, @params['term']+" site:#{yoursite}", 0, 10, true, " ", false, " ", " ", " ")

The above expects to be called with a request parameter 'term' containing the actual search terms.

Then in your view (e.g. search.rhtml)...

<% for result in @results.resultElements %>

<%= result.title %>

<%= result.snippet %>

<%= result.URL %>

<% end %>

Needs to be extended to handle paging the results but you get the idea.

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